ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 9 of 49
JMBS 2018, 3(1): 44–49
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Morphological Peculiarities of the Fetuses Ovarian Structure with a Gestation Period of 37-42 Weeks from the Mothers with Complicated Pregnancy due to Chronic Infection of the Lower Genitals

Kupriyanova L. S., Minenko O. V., Kovalchuk M. V., Briliov A. A., Bila A. A.

A complex of histological, immunohistochemical, morphometric and statistical studies made it possible to establish the pecularities of the structure of the fetuses ovarian from the mothers with a chronic infection of the lower genital tract at the gestation period of 37-42 weeks. The conducted studies fully comply with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration of Human Rights, the European Union Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (approved by the decision of the Bioethics Commission, Protocol № 3, 2006). A reliable decrease in the main organometric and morphometric indices in the ovaries of fetuses from mothers with complicated pregnancy in comparison with those in healthy mothers was shown. The obtained data indicate a probable decrease in the number of primary and primordial follicles, as well as an increase in the number of cystic-atretic, growing and ripening follicles in the ovaries of fetuses from mothers with chronic infection of the lower genital tract in relation to those in the ovaries of healthy mothers. The stage of development of follicles is not violated in all cases. But these changes in the ovary of the fetuses of the main group are signs of uneven growth and maturation of the follicles. The described structural and functional disorders in the ovaries of the fetuses from mothers with chronic infection of the lower genital tract are the main link in the pathogenesis of disorders of the hermetic function of the female body, as well as in the formation of the syndrome of polyorganic endocrinopathy in further ontogenesis. Further studies can comprise the detection of morpho-functional features of the structure of ovarian fetuses from mothers whose pregnancies are complicated by chronic infection of the lower genital tract, at various stages of the formation of fetal gonads (21-28 weeks, 29-36 weeks, 37-42 weeks). We should also compare the degree of violations in the structure of fetus’ organs with the level of hormonal activity, as well as endothelin-producing function of the vascular component of the ovaries. There should be further studying of the concept of forming structural and functional disorders in the fetuses’ ovaries in the conditions of prolonged antigenic stimulation and placental dysfunction, which occurs at chronic infection of the lower genital tract.

Keywords: ovary, follicle, fetus, pregnancy, chronic infection, germinative function, lower genital tract

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