ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 27 of 39
JMBS 2017, 2(6): 129–131
Medical rehabilitation

Evaluating Efficiency of Sanatorium and Resort Rehabilitation Repeated Courses for Children in the Period of Oncological Diseases Remission

Shapovalova H. A.

The need for solving the problem of sanatorium and resort rehabilitation for children with malignant neoplasms is based on high indicators of oncological diseases, which make up 11.5-12.0 per 10,000 children and occupy the 7th place among children with disabilities. The aim of the study is in evaluating the effectiveness of repeated courses of sanatorium and resort rehabilitation for children in the period of remission of oncological diseases. The object and methods of research. There were 101 children at SRR repeated courses in the V. P. Chkalov sanatorium (Odessa). 77 of these children were for the second time, 16 – for the third time, and 8 children – for the fourth. The assessment of these children functional state was carried out according to the following algorithm of examinations: assessment of the clinical condition of children, laboratory analysis of blood, determination of nonspecific adaptive reactions of the organism (NARO) and leukocyte intoxication index (LII), biochemical laboratory blood tests. Research results. It has been established that children who have been treated before are less likely to suffer in a sanatorium on GFR and ARI (1.6 times), which indicates a general strengthening effect of SRR that lasts up to 2 years. Indicators of the clinical state, its dynamics, severity of pain, dyspeptic and, especially, aesthetic syndrome in children in the remote period of the disease were found less frequently. The sensation of weakness in children by subjective assessment decreased from (0.74±0.15) and (0.35±0.14) points. There was a definite improvement depending on increase in the number of SRR courses of lipid metabolism and detoxification function of the liver. Blood parameters remained at the normative level with a positive dynamics of NARO with an increase in SRR rates. Repeated courses of SRR contributed to a decrease in the viral load of the body of children in terms of reduction from (28,9 ± 6,7) to (20,5 ± 6,4)% of the low LII (<0,3 U) units in re- and 3-4 admissions to SRR. Conclusion. The expediency of using repeated 3rd and 4th courses of SRR of children in comparison with 1-2 courses in different periods of remission of OZ is confirmed by statistical data. The growth of 1 to 3-4 courses of improvement indicators of children’s functional state for manifestations of concomitant diseases, general adaptation of children reactions, a system of liver detoxification, a decrease in the viral load of children’s body. The expediency of carrying out additional instrumental researches of children brain during various repetitive courses of SRR has been suggested in order to further substantiate the need for their extension.

Keywords: children, oncological diseases, functional state, sanatorium and resort rehabilitation, repeated courses

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