ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 16 of 50
JMBS 2016, 1(2): 75–78

Application of Volumetric Pneumopressing in Combination with Pharmacotherapy at Arterial Hypertension

Zaytsev D. V.

The question of being arterial hypertension indicated or contraindicated for applying of intermittent pneumatic compression remains disputable. The aim of research was to find out the safety and advisability of intermittent pneumatic compression usage in hypertension treatment. Methods and objects. 47 men and 84 women aged from 39 to 92 were involved to evaluate the capability of volumetric pneumopressing usage for patients suffering from hypertension. All patients had been undergoing individual drug therapy, which was additionally accompanied by course of volumetric pneumopressing (intermittent pneumatic compression modified by I. V. Tarshinov) within 10 days. The main peculiarity of volumetric pneumopressing is that the successive procedures are performed with the device “Bioregulator-004M” or its modifications on all of patient’s members during one session. Volumetric pneumopressing combines hydrodynamic and reflex primary effect with local and general secondary metabolic reactions. The ultimate object of these processes is the nervous and humoral regulation, and the ultimate clinical goal of the volumetric pneumopressing is non-specific stimulation of sanogenesis. Patients were divided into 3 groups. Group I included 87 patients with absent or unsteady drug treatment). Group II included 37 patients who had used any single first line medication. Group III included 21 patients who had regularly used 2 or more different classes of first line antihypertensives. Results and discussion. After single run of volumetric pneumopressing blood pressure increased in 3,0-5,8% of episodes and extended averagely 8±7 mm Hg. Such episodes did not showed on complains and treating process. In the issue of volumetric pneumopressing course combined with primary medication systolic and diastolic arterial pressure significantly decreased in common group and Group I (p<0,01) as well as diastolic arterial pressure in Group II (p<0,05). In Group III arterial pressure also had a tendency towards normalization. Combination of drug and volumetric pneumopressing led to expansion the number of patients with compensated hypertension (arterial blood pressure level <140/90 mm Hg) by 1,2–1,5 times. Conclusion. Volumetric pneumopressing improves the effectiveness of antihypertensive drug treatment and probably may be used in combined therapy of arterial hypertension regardless of its stage and acuteness. Further investigation is needed.

Keywords: arterial hypertension, volumetric pneumopressing. intermittent pneumatic compression

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