ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 15 of 50
JMBS 2016, 1(2): 70–74

The Results of Factor Models Usage for Evaluation of Man Functional state during Visual Work

Evtushenko A.S.1, Kozak L.M.2, Kochina M.L.3, Lad S.N.4, Yavorsky A.V.4

The performing of different professional tasks, education and leisure in many cases are connected to visual information’s perception from the different medium. It conditions the significant involvement of visual system to the work. In these cases the problems of visual perception which are accompanied by tension and fatigue takes the centre stage in human functional state (FS). The aim of research was evaluation of man functional state during visual work using factor models. The test group included 88 university students with mean age 20±1,5 years old. The texts on paper and digital medium were provided to test persons as the visual load. The acuity of vision, positive reserve of accommodation for distance, position of near point of clear vision and convergence were measured in all test persons. The number of mistakes during FNP, time of delay and response latency, the number of completed tasks during the test and the time of correction task performing were determined as psychophysiological indexes. The psychological test for performance efficiency dynamics estimation has been used for self-assessment. The three types of visual system’s functional state were determined after the visual work with digital and paper mediums. The first type corresponded to the stable functioning of visual system (50-55% of test persons). The second type corresponded to development of transient myopia (20-25% of test persons). The third type was indicative to visual fatigue (20-25% of test persons). It was determined that visual work on close distance both with paper and digital medium caused significant changes not only in visual system’s state, but also in other systems of organism. It is confirmed by significant growth of relevant connections between indexes which characterize the system. The obtained results indicate the informative value of psychophysiological indexes in human FS assessment during the visual work. The time of correction task performing, the number of completed tasks and number of mistakes and response latency during the test tasks performing can be referred to such indexes. The factor analysis use and factor models design for the indexes of visual system and psychophysiological indexes together allowed confirming the high sensitivity and informative value of all these indexes in human FS assessment during the visual work. The research had shown, that human FS assessment during the visual work must include the analysis of visual system indexes change especially that ones which describe the visual perception on close distance. The psychophysiological indexes, nervous system’s state areal so have to be taken into account.

Keywords: functional state, visual work, visual system, psychophysiological indexes, factor models

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