ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 9 of 50
JMBS 2016, 1(2): 44–47

Toxic Hepatitis as a Factor in Structural and Functional Changes in the Large Intestine

Holovatiuk L.M., Pryshlyak A.M., Reminetskyy B.Y.

The relevance and importance of the study of pathologies of the large intestine of toxic genesis and the need for their detailed and objective study are conditioned by the growing lesions of this organ. Therefore, the aim of the study was the elucidation of patterns of changes in the morphology of the wall of the colon in experimental toxic hepatitis. Structure of the large intestine wall of rats-males was investigated by comprehensive set of morphological techniques (histological, injection, morphometric). Toxic hepatitis was modeled by intragastric input 50.0% solution of carbon tetrachloride in olive oil at a daily dose of 0.2 ml of pure substance per 100 g body weight. Euthanasia of experimental animals was carried out in terms of thiopental sodium anesthesia. Microtomic sections after dewaxing stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin (Van Gieson, Mallory, Weigert). Research histological preparations of colon were performed with a microscope-6 MBD, MBD-11, "LUMAM-P 8". It was established that acute hepatitis causes pathological changes in the wall of the colon that are most manifest in the seventh day of the experiment. Morphometrically was revealed an increasing the thickness of the mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serous membrane by 12.5%, 15.5%; 5.6%, 15.1% respectively. The height of the covering mucosal epithelial cells of the colon was changed. Indicators of these parameters were highest on the 7th day of the experiment and control exceeded by 13.3%. The diameter of the nucleus of said cells increased by 15.4%. The depth of the crypts at the modeled pathology in experiment in indicated period increased by 11.9%; crypt width - 15.9%. Uneven, disproportionate change the spatial characteristics of epithelial cells and their nuclei led to violations of the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratios in these cells, indicating a substantial breach of structural cellular homeostasis. Disproportionate change the spatial characteristics of the mucosa, submucosa, muscle layer of the colon lead to significant impairment correlations between morphometric parameters of these structures: muscular-submucosal mucous and muscular indices increased, indicating abuse of organ cell homeostasis. Violation of structural tissue homeostasis in the colon adequately confirmed with capillary epithelial mucosa ratios in the large intestine (decreased). This indicatives about deterioration of blood supply to the affected structures mucosa of the colon. In the simulated pathological conditions the small caliber arteries of the large intestine were structurally remodeled. Index Kernohan of small arteries of the colon with toxic hepatitis was decreased. This testifies about reducing of their capacity and deterioration of blood supply to the examinated large intestine. Histologically in the same period, there were pronounced stromal and perivasal swelling, degenerative changes and necrotic of epithelial cells, smooth myocytes, endothelial cell, diffuse infiltration of the stroma, fiber fractures and disorganization of tissues.

Keywords: toxic hepatitis, wall of the large intestine, morphometry

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