ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 31 of 32
JMBS 2022, 7(6): 213–219
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Functional Indicators of Qualified Runners in Sprint Events at the Special Preparatory Stage of the Annual Macrocycle

Svyshch Ya. S., Dukh T. I.

The purpose of the study was to analyze the indicators of functional readiness of qualified runners in sprint events at the special preparatory stage of the annual training cycle. Materials and methods. The methods of theoretical analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature and Internet resources, pedagogical experiment, instrumental methods such as anthropometric measurements, research of indicators of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and methods of mathematical statistics were used in the study. 28 sprint-distance track and field athletes between the ages of 18 and 24 with sports qualifications, candidates for masters of sports and masters of sports, with experience in athletics from 4 to 9 years took part in the study. Surveys were conducted at the special preparatory stage of the annual macrocycle. The functional state was assessed by the method of indices (Robinson index, Skibinski index, hypoxia index, Quetelet index, cardiac index, vital index). Results and discussion. The most informative indicators have been established that characterize the level of functional fitness in sprint events runners. The Quetelet index of our studied athletes is 22.13 ± 0.56 units, which indicates their optimal body weight and corresponds to age norms. The indicators of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems correspond to the appropriate norms, and some of them exceed the limits of norms for untrained individuals. According to our results, the indicator of the proper vital capacity of the lungs is 4.97 ± 0.13 l, and the deviation of the vital capacity of the lungs is 8.0%, which corresponds to the limits of the physiological norm. Almost all indicators are characterized by a low coefficient of variation, except for the Skibinski index (14%) and the hypoxia index (10%). The indicators of the functional tests of Shtange (74.73 ± 4.65 s), Genchi (48.47 ± 4.23 s), Skibinsky (52.54 ± 6.98 c.u.) are above the average level. Conclusion. It has been established that the eukinetic type of blood circulation is characteristic of qualified sprint events runners. According to the Robinson index, the average level of functioning of the cardiovascular system in sprint events runners was found to be 82.61 ± 3.51 units. According to the hypoxia index, a high level of the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency (0.73 ± 0.08 с.u.) was established in qualified sprint events runners. Analysis of the functional fitness of track and field athletes will allow to adjust and optimize the construction of the training process in order to achieve maximum sports results

Keywords: hemodynamic indicators, respiratory system, indices, training process, sprint events runners

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