ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 2 of 32
JMBS 2022, 7(6): 16–22
Medicine. Reviews

Main Directions of Medical and Psychological Rehabilitation of Combatants

Kotvitska A. A., Kononenko N. M., Chikitkina V. V.

The war in Ukraine actualized the problem of post-traumatic stress disorder. Comprehensive rehabilitation of combatants after the end of hostilities, that is, after the termination of the stressor, is of particular importance for society. Reducing the impact of the consequences of traumatic stress on somatic health and preventing psychosomatic pathology in these patients is an important task of medicine. The purpose of the study was to analyze the main directions of medical and psychological rehabilitation of combatants and measures to improve them. Materials and methods. A review of the literature in specialized publications and the Internet was carried out. Results and discussion. Medical and psychological rehabilitation of combatants should include several areas: diagnosis of the syndrome of socio-psychological maladaptation; psychological counseling; psychological correction; training in self-regulation skills; socio-psychological trainings; assistance in professional self-determination, career guidance for retraining and subsequent employment. The medical and psychological rehabilitation of combatants should be based on the main provisions of the integrative coping concept, according to which overcoming stress is a process in which an individual attempts to change or eliminate the problem, to reduce its intensity by changing their point of view on it, to ease its impact by distracting themselves from something or using other various coping methods. Conclusion. The results obtained clearly proved that today the rehabilitation of only the physical condition of patients is no longer relevant, since without taking into account the psychological status of the individual, its social adaptation, it is impossible to talk about the full functioning of the individual. All combatants will have to go through a period of social and psychological rehabilitation. The implementation of the Concept of the State Target Program for the physical, medical, psychological, social rehabilitation and professional readaptation of combatants requires the implementation of organizational and legal measures related to the conduct of targeted and coordinated actions on the part of government bodies, executive authorities, local governments, non-state institutions and organizations, and on a nationwide scale should provide medical, social and economic efficiency. The system of providing medical and psychological assistance and rehabilitation of combatants actions in terms of material, technical and personnel support should be considered as a component of the national security of the state

Keywords: combatants, medical and psychological rehabilitation, post-traumatic stress disorder

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