ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 44 of 44
JMBS 2022, 7(3): 296–302
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Analysis of the Dynamics of Physical Fitness Indicators of Servicemen at the Stage of Primary Training Using Crossfit

Oderov A. M. 1, Romanchuk S. V. 1, Klymovych V. B. 1, Skaliy Alexander 2, Pylypchak I. V. 1, Tkachuk О. A. 3, Zolochevskyi V. V. 3, Meleshenko О. V. 3

The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the program of physical training of cadets of military institutions of higher education at the stage of primary education with the use of crossfit. Materials and methods. The pedagogical experiment (testing) was conducted according to the control exercises according to TNFP-2014, namely: running for 100 meters, pull-ups on the crossbar and running for 3000 meters. The formative experiment was conducted during five stages: the first stage (beginning of primary military training – beginning of the first semester (initial data), the second stage (beginning of the first semester – end of the first semester), the third stage (beginning of the second semester – end of the second semester); the fourth stage (beginning of the third semester – end of the third semester), the fifth stage (beginning of the fourth – the end of the fourth semester). The indicators shown by the cadets at the end of the research stage were used for the analysis. For the reliability of the study by the method of equivalent pairs, we formed an experimental (n = 94) and control (n = 94) groups. Results and discussion. The paper finds that research related to determining the effectiveness of the program of physical training of cadets of military institutions of higher education at the stage of primary education using crossfit proved that the proposed content of classes on the program can reliably maintain a sufficient level of general physical qualities. During the pedagogical experiment, the dynamics of the results of the cadets of the experimental and control groups in the 100-meter run is progressive. At the same time, in the first-third semesters of study, the indicators do not differ significantly (p > 0.05). In the fourth semester, the cadets of the experimental group performed significantly better than the control group by 0.25 s (p <0.01). The results in the pull-up on the crossbar during the experiment in the cadets of the experimental group increased by 6.27 times (p <0.001) and are assessed as "excellent". At the end of the experiment, the average results of the 3 km run in the cadets of the experimental group (12 min. 16 s) according to the Provisional Guidelines for Physical Training are rated "excellent", and cadets in the control group (12 min. 49 s) – rated "satisfactory". Conclusion. Thus, the results of indicators of basic physical qualities of cadets indicate the positive impact of crossfit on indicators of physical development and physical health of cadets and leads to higher results of basic physical qualities at the stage of primary education

Keywords: crossfit, cadet, physical fitness, experiment

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