ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 24 of 44
JMBS 2022, 7(2): 166–172
Social medicine and organization of health care

National Trends of Morbidity, Disability and Mortality from Diseases of Circulatory System and Cerebrovascular Diseases

Mishchenko M. M.

The purpose of the study was to determine national trends in morbidity, disability and mortality from diseases of the circulatory system and cerebrovascular diseases. Materials and methods. To achieve the goal of the study, the data of official sources of statistical information of Ukraine were used. Systematic analysis and generalizations were applied to the existing data from official sources, and trends in morbidity, disability, and mortality from circulatory and cerebrovascular diseases were calculated. Results and discussion. There was a decrease in circulatory diseases for both general and primary morbidity from 26,523,102 and 2,397,059 cases in 2010 to 22,199,563 and 1,725,137 cases in 2017, respectively. There was also a decrease in cerebrovascular morbidity from 3,268,100 to 2,521,601 cases of total morbidity in 2010 and from 382,916 to 290,557 cases in 2017 of primary. In general, there was a decrease in mortality from diseases of the circulatory system in 2013 2019 in absolute terms (from 440,369 to 389,348 cases) and in terms of 100,000 population, an increase from 970.6 in 2013 to 993.4 in 2019. In general, there was a decrease in the absolute value of all deaths due to cerebrovascular diseases from 94,267 in 2013 to 76,232 in 2019 and per 100,000 population – from 207.8 (2013 year) to 179.5 (2019 year). In 2014 2018 years, the number of people recognized as disabled for the first time due to diseases of the circulatory system increased in absolute terms and per 10,000 population from 30,264 and 8.8‱ cases (respectively 2014 and 2015) to 32,031 and 10.2‱ (2018). There was an increase in primary disability due to cerebrovascular diseases in absolute terms for 2014 2018 and in terms of 10 thousand population in 2015 2018 with an increase from 12,854 (absolute values in 2014) and 3.8‱ (2015) cases to 13,927 (absolute values) and up to 4.4‱ cases (2018). Conclusion. So, during the period of 2010 2017, the presence of trends of reduction of diseases of the circulatory system (both for general (-16.3%) and for the primary (-28.0%) morbidity) and cerebrovascular diseases (for general -22.8%) and primary (-24.1%) morbidity) was stated. For the period 2013 2019, trends of mortality rates against diseases of the circulatory system were identified for absolute values (-11.6%) and an increase – for values in terms of 100 thousand population (+2.3%). For urban residents, appropriate trends are fixed at -11.6% and +3.1%, and for rural, respectively, -11.6% and -1.3%. For 2013 2019, trends of mortality rates due to cerebrovascular diseases were recorded as for absolute values (-19.1%) and values in terms of 100 thousand population (-13.6%). For urban residents, appropriate trends stated at the level -21.7% and -16.1%, and for rural -13.1% and -7.9%. For 2015 2018, trends of an increase in primary disability were defined due to diseases of the blood circulation system, both behind absolute values (+5.8%), and in terms of 10 thousand population (+15.9%), as well as for primary disability due to cerebrovascular diseases (respectively +8.3% and +15.8%)

Keywords: national incidence trends, national disability trends, national mortality trends, blood circulation diseases, cerebrovascular diseases

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