ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 33 of 45
JMBS 2021, 6(6): 239–244

Content of Mineral Elements in Rat Liver Tissue with Acquired Insulin Resistance and Obesity in Combination with Iodine

Hlozhyk I. Z.

The purpose of the study was to determine the content of mineral elements in the hepatocytes of rats with insulin resistance, obesity, iodine deficiency, insulin resistance in combination with iodine deficiency and obesity in combination with iodine deficiency. Materials and methods. The study was performed on 90 white nonlinear rats weighing 120-180 g, which were divided into five experimental groups: rats with insulin resistance (1st experimental group, n = 15), animals with iodine deficiency (2nd experimental group), animals with insulin resistance in combination with iodine deficiency (3rd experimental group, n = 15), obese animals (4th experimental group, n = 15), obese animals in combined with iodine deficiency (5th experimental group, n = 15). The control group consisted of 15 intact rats. The content of Fe, Ca, Cu, Mg, Zn, Mn, Cr in the liver homogenate was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry on a SPECORD M 40 spectrophotometer (Germany). Results and discussion. In animals with insulin resistance, there was a decrease in the content of copper in the liver by 26.9%, in animals with iodine deficiency the content of this trace element increased by 20.5%, and in the group of animals with insulin resistance in combination with iodine deficiency it increased by 10.1%. The iron content in the group of animals with insulin resistance is higher in relation to the control by 33.7%, in the group of animals with iodine deficiency – by 38.5%, in animals with insulin resistance in combination with iodine deficiency – by 40.8%. Regarding the content of Calcium, in the liver homogenate of animals with insulin resistance it is higher compared to the control by 24%, in animals of the second experimental group –by 26.4%, in animals of the 3rd experimental group – by 22%. The Magnesium content in animals with insulin resitance is lower compared to the control by 19%, in animals with iodine deficiency – by 25.5%, in animals with insulin resistance in combination with iodine deficiency – by 29%. As for Zinc, no significant fluctuations in the content of this trace element were detected. In animals of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd experimental groups it is lower compared to the control by 10%, 15% and 11.1%, respectively. The Manganese content in animals with insulin resistance is lower compared to the control by 13.6%, in animals with iodine deficiency – by 18.2%, in animals with insulin resistance in combination with iodine deficiency – by 14.8%. With regard to chromium, we found a probable decrease in the concentration of this trace element in animals of the group with insulin resistance by 48%, in animals of the 2nd experimental group – by 57.5%, in animals of the 3rd experimental group – by 58%. In the group of animals with obesity and obesity in combined with iodine deficiency we found an increase in copper content compared to the control by 27.4% and 36.2%, respectively. The iron content in animals with obesity exceeds the control by 34.8%, in the group of animals with obesity in combined with iodine deficiency – by 38.4%. Regarding the content of Calcium, in animals with obesity it is higher by 25.7%, and in animals with obesity in combined with iodine deficiency – by 28.4% compared to the control. Magnesium content in animals with obesity is lower by 27.3% compared to the control group, and in animals with obesity in combined with iodine deficiency – by 28.4%. Regarding Zinc, no significant fluctuations in the content of this trace element were detected. In animals of the 4th and 5th experimental groups it is lower compared to the control by 18.4% and 23.5%, respectively. The content of Manganese in the group of animals with obesity decreased by 14.8%, and in the group with obesity in combined with iodine deficiency the content of this trace element decreased by 16.2% compared to the control. With regard to chromium, we found a probable decrease in the concentration of this trace element in animals of the group with obesity by 58.1% and in the group of animals with obesity in combined with iodine deficiency by 56.2%. Conclusion. The obtained results demonstrate changes in the content of mineral elements in groups of animals with insulin resistance, iodine deficiency, insulin resistance in combination with iodine deficiency, obesity and obesity in combination with iodine deficiency

Keywords: macronutrients, microelements, insulin

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