ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 34 of 50
JMBS 2021, 6(3): 256–262
Social medicine and organization of health care

Adolescent Drug Addiction in Ukraine: Social and Psychological Aspects

Podolian V. M.

Adolescent drug addiction in Ukraine is a serious problem that requires proper attention and evaluation from modern society. Timely public reaction to this issue determines the methods of its solution and ways to prevent adolescent drug addiction in Ukraine in the future. The urgency of the subject matter is determined by the danger of drug addiction among Ukrainian adolescents and the lack of attention paid by parents to the study of this problem and the lack of proper attention to this issue in most Ukrainian schools. Prospects for research in this area are determined by the need to identify the main social and psychological aspects that motivate modern Ukrainian adolescents to use drugs. This will allow to redirect the situation and create conditions to prevent a situation in society where drug use by Ukrainian adolescents would be possible. The purpose of the study is to identify the dominant psychological and social factors that motivate adolescents to start using drugs. Materials and methods. The main research method is the method of analysis, which was used to comprehensively consider and describe the factors that push young people to use drugs, despite the obvious threat to their health and life. Authors consider issues of social and psychological aspects of adolescent drug addiction, problems of relations in society and families where adolescents begin to use drugs. The study covers the types of family relations and the nature of intra-family relations, in which adolescents start using drugs. Conclusion. The main social and psychological factors that push modern young people to take drugs are identified. In the course of this study, conclusions were drawn about the significant role of existing problems in modern Ukrainian families, where children begin to use drugs early. Preventive conversations in schools, other educational institutions and at home are effective tools in the fight against adolescent drug addiction. Competitions in various sports among teenagers and mass cross-country races also have pronounced influence. The practical value of the study in this area is to identify and state opportunities to create methods to combat adolescent drug addiction and the complete elimination of the harmful effects of drugs on modern Ukrainian schoolchildren

Keywords: family relations, teenager, social environment, drugs, psychology of relations, family

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