ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 1 of 39
JMBS 2021, 6(2): 7–12
Medicine. Reviews

Modern Approaches to Occupational Therapy of Children with Authistic Spectric Disorders

Vitomska M. V.

The purpose of the study is to determine the current provisions on occupational therapy interventions for children with ASD, features of their practical implementation and effectiveness based on the analysis of research data. Materials and methods. This work is the result of the analysis of scientific and methodological developments on the practical implementation of occupational therapy interventions in terms of timing and scope, complexity and role of the family; comparison of research results, which are devoted to the study of the effectiveness of behavioral therapy and SI, as the main interventions of occupational therapists. Results. Early rehabilitation of a child with ASD contributes to the formation of the necessary skills in everyday life and communication. To date, the largest evidence base has been accumulated by intervention programs, which are based on the principles of improving parent-child relations and are aimed at developing social and communication skills. Occupational therapy in ASD is aimed at overcoming motor anxiety, disorders of large and fine motor skills, coordination of movements and ability to learn, speech. SI-based occupational therapy is used to improve the processing of sensory information, improve the efficiency of "registration" and modulation of the senses, as well as help in the formation of simple adaptive responses. The effectiveness of sensory and motor interventions is manifested in positive changes in the social interaction of children, purposeful play and normalization of sensitivity. Sensory interventions of occupational therapists can reduce maladaptive behavior, hyperactivity, as well as inhibit self-stimulation, stereotyped movements and improve attention. Researchers recommend that occupational therapists combine sensory interventions with functional tasks that help the child's practice in achieving the goal of the activity. Conclusions. There is a large number of approaches and techniques used in occupational therapy for children with ASD. Given the lack of evidence to determine the most effective of them, it should be noted that additional research is needed to address this issue.

Keywords: sensory integration, behavioral therapy, daily activity, productive activity

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