ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 47 of 50
JMBS 2021, 6(1): 332–338

Influence of Examınatıon Stress on Vegetatıve Indıcators ff 17-21-Year-Old Students-Phlegmatıcs

Rustamova T. V.

Exam stress is one of the numerous causes of complex psychophysiological stress in students. One of the modern problems of electrophysiology is the study of the action mechanism of high levels of anxiety in students during and after the examination. The speed of development of the lifestyle of young people and an increase in the level of stress in the environment lead to a change in the relationship in the adaptive function of the body and the emergence of various kinds of deviations. Examination stress is accompanied by the emergence of many complex neurophysiological changes in the body, which negatively affects the life of young men. In all cases, young people strive to achieve their goals, which in itself leads to emotional stress. One of them is the study of the functioning of the nervous system during emotional stress and clarification of the role of various types of the higher nervous system in this. Despite a comprehensive study of this problem, this issue still remains relevant, and the study of the mechanisms of the anxiety process continues. The article presents the results of changes in the level of situational and personal anxiety of the examination process on the indicators of the autonomic nervous system in I and V year students, at the age of 17-21 years, having a type of phlegmatism. Before the beginning of the experiment, the type of temperament was determined by G. Eisenk test. Material and methods. To determine the level of situational and personal anxiety (emotional tension) of 17–21-year-olds, having the phlegmatic type of temperament, we used the method of expressive test two days before the exam, 30 minutes before the exam and 30 minutes after the exam. In all three groups, arterial pressure was measured using the Korotkova method and pulpator method of determining the heart rate per minute. Vegetative tone was calculated based on the Kerdo vegetative index. Results and discussion. The obtained results showed that 17-year-old phlegmatics-first-year students observed differences between the frequencies of cardiac contraction and arterial pressure two days before the exam, 30 minutes before the exam and 30 minutes after the exam. In all groups, the test had a sympathetic character, which testifies to the superiority of the sympathetic nervous system in the duration of the entire examination period. In 21-year-old students-phlegmatics course-vegetative indicators in two days before the exam, 30 minutes before the exam and 30 minutes after the exam differred slightly in comparison with 17-year-olds. Similarly, the Kerdo vegetative index of the 17-year-old students-phlegmatics and 21-year-old students-phlegmatics in all groups had the sympathetic character. This is also evidence of the prevalence of a sympathetic disorder of the sympathetic process used to optimize academic performance, correction of exam stress and protection of students' health

Keywords: situational anxiety, personal anxiety, types of central nervous system, type of temperament

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