ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 32 of 50
JMBS 2021, 6(1): 222–227

Violation of Local Immunity of the Oral Cavity in Agro-Industrial Workers with Generalized Periodontitis under the Influence of Pesticides

Dyryk V. T., Shkrebniyuk R. V., Vynogradova O. M.

Among dental diseases, periodontal diseases occupy a prominent place. The polyetiology and polypathogenicity of periodontal diseases are different in nature: pathological processes at the level of the whole organism, its cells and environments, periodontal tissues, biochemically reactive substrates. The significant impact of adverse environmental factors on the state of human organs and systems is confirmed by the tendency to increase the incidence of periodontal disease in industrialized countries, which in different age groups ranges from 80% to 100%. Pesticides are one of the most important factors determining the well-being and balance of the human-environment system today. This is due to their characteristics as chemical pollutants, which deliberately and purposefully contributes to the environment pollution. The main among these features are constant and excessive scattering over large areas; high biological activity on pets, as well as on humans and other living organisms; the ability to persist in the environment and circulate in its objects; metabolized in biological objects and transformed into the environment with the formation of more toxic and dangerous, compared to the original, compounds; the ability to cause the development of long-term effects. The group of risk of periodontal tissue diseases naturally includes employees of agricultural enterprises, who in the process of work are exposed to occupational pathogens of different nature, intensity and duration of action. Continuous intake of agro-industrial xenobiotics creates a chemical load, causes the occurrence of toxic hypoxia, anemia, imbalance in the immune system, promotes the activation of endogenous intoxication, which in turn is projected on the periodontal tissues, and disease of tooth-retaining tissues. The purpose of our research was to study the state of local immunity of the oral cavity in agro-industrial workers with generalized periodontitis under the influence of pesticides. Material and methods. To determine the changes in local immunity in the oral and gingival fluid we determined the concentrations of lysozyme, sIgA, IgA and IgG in 39 patients with generalized periodontitis who were not adversely affected by greenhouse factors (comparative group) and 81 agricultural workers (41 people in open (I main group) and 40 people in closed soils) II main group), exposed to pesticides). The obtained values were compared with data in 31 dentistically healthy people not in contact with pesticides (control group). Results and discussion. The obtained results showed that generalized periodontitis marked changes in the local immune mechanisms of the oral cavity. However, the most pronounced violations were observed in patients with generalized periodontitis working in closed and open soils under the influence of pesticides, and in subjects who were exposed to toxic effects of chemicals in closed soil, this trend was more intense. Conclusion. The study results proved that agro-industrial workers in contact with pesticides in open and closed soils have significant disturbances in the local immune system, which was characterized by a decrease in the levels of immunoglobulins A, G, sIgA and lysozyme in oral and gingival fluids

Keywords: agro-industrial workers, pesticides, generalized periodontitis, local immunity

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