ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 38 of 59
JMBS 2020, 5(5): 293–297
Humanitarian issues of medicine and problem of teaching at the higher school

Molecular Biology and Genetics Teaching at Different Levels of Education

Khrypunova Tetiana

This article is focused on mapping out the form and extent of education of genetics and molecular biology in high schools in Czech Republic and impact of liberalization of education compared to education in Slovac Republic, where education is partly liberalized, and Ukraine, where education is centralized. We have evaluated the available literature, subjective satisfaction of students and retrospective evaluation from absolvents of adequacy of education according to further studies on universities or colleges. In this article we concentrated on gymnasiums and lyceums, because genetics and molecular biology is taught (as separate disciplines) in these types of school and relevant part of students continue studying them in colleges and universities. Among the students of universities who answered the questions of our questionnaire were students of the biological, biochemical and medical faculties, because they were the ones who continue to study these subjects in universities. Material and methods. Our research was based on studying the available literature concerning current legislation of the selected countries (mainly the difference between education systems of countries), as well as surveys among middle and high school students, university students and secondary school teachers in the form of a questionnaire. We are aware of the fact that the amount of data we have obtained in the research is not entirely sufficient to create a picture of the overall situation, but we hope that the obtained data will still provide some insight into the situation as a whole. According to collected data we have divided taught topics into several categories: depending on the extent and depth of immersion in the topic of teaching; the degree to which they are understandable to students; and the degree to which the topics are sufficient for further study at universities. We compared the results of the above countries and outlined the relationship between them. Conclusion. We noted several changes that had occurred in education under the influence of the liberalization

Keywords: genetics, molecular biology, education of biology, gymnasia education, education in the Czech Republic, education in the Slovak Republic, education in Ukraine

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