ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 27 of 59
JMBS 2020, 5(5): 219–222
Social medicine and organization of health care

Breast Self-Examination Training within the Framework of Implementation the International Project Rita - "Change in the Region" for the Academic Community of Higher Education Institutions and Physical Facilities

Odynets T. 1, Briskin Yu. 2, Skaliy A. 3, Skaliy T. 4

Regular breast self-examination is one of the most cost-effective methods for the early preclinical detection of breast cancer in women. Despite this fact, the practice of breast self-examination in Ukraine remains low and requires development and improvement. The purpose of the study was the development of the structure and content of the breast self-examination program for the academic community of Ukraine within the framework of the international project RITA – "Changes in the region". Material and methods. To solve the set goal of the study, the methods of the theoretical level of research were used: analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodological literature on the problem of self-examination of the mammary glands in women. Results and discussion. The project aims to transfer the Polish experience in the early diagnosis of breast cancer among women through self-examination. Early detection of cancer significantly increases a woman's chances of successful treatment. Awareness of breast cancer risk factors and the acquisition of breast self-examination skills among teachers will provide a chance for early detection of breast cancer, reducing treatment costs and mortality from the disease. The acquisition of special knowledge by teachers on self-examination will allow disseminating useful information among female students of different courses and involving them in promoting early detection of breast cancer among the general female population. Breast cancer self-diagnosis training for 450 teachers and 500 university students from 5 regions of Ukraine, as well as the "Academic days of fighting breast cancer" will help popularize the problem of self-diagnosis among women. The project will raise women's awareness of breast cancer, create a culture of disease prevention through self-observation and self-examination, and remove existing cultural barriers to the acceptance of their body, as well as fear of pain during screening. Conclusion. Conducting educational lectures and practical exercises on the formation of breast self-examination skills within the framework of the international project RITA will contribute to raising women's awareness of breast cancer and the formation of a respectful attitude to their own health

Keywords: screening, Rita, breast self-examination, women

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