ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 25 of 59
JMBS 2020, 5(5): 204–211
Social medicine and organization of health care

Control Logistics in a Modern Medical Institution: the Main Organization Mechanisms

Kolomoets A. V. 1, Mikhalchuk V. M. 2, Tolstanov O. K. 2, Gbur Z. V. 2

In the logistics approach, the health care organization is seen as a system that incorporates many interconnected processes, the ultimate goal of which is to provide quality health services. Modern system and process approaches to management have also undergone significant changes in the management of medical institutions, applying new methods and technologies of resource management, which are based on the concept of logistics. The positive aspects of logistics technologies in health care institutions are the following: the ability to influence the strategy and tactics of health care institutions, the formation of new competitive market advantages in this market segment. The use of logistics methods and technologies optimizes the processes of information input on the amount of resources consumed, its receipt and transmission of information, thus improving the quality of medical care. The main idea of the logistics process is to create a certain result from the resources available in medical institutions. It should be noted that today companies in various sectors of the economy are interested in the transition to logistics management. The advantage of the logistical approach in health care is the ability to influence the strategy and tactics of the medical organization, to create new competitive advantages in the market of medical services. The use of logistics accelerates the process of obtaining and transmitting information about the necessary resources as a result, improving the quality of medical services. In this way, logistics coordinates the resource provision of the health care organization as a whole. Conclusion. Implementation and use of the world best practices of the logistics concept "just in time" to optimize the needs and time of supply of medical devices of each structural unit of the medical institution will ensure continuity of processes in the health care facility as medical supplies and property arrive on time, and , at the same time do not accumulate in warehouses unclaimed (which, in turn, reduces the turnover of working capital and as a result negatively affects the financial stability of the organization), which contributes to the rapid restructuring of the supply system to the needs of health care

Keywords: medical logistics, logistical approach, logistics system, medical institution strategy, strategic planning, health care, medicine, managemen

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