ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 39 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(4): 292–296
Forensic Medicine

Using the Criteria of Individual Odontoglyphic Status in Carrying Out Forensic Medical Identification of an Unknown Person

Cherniak V. 1, Nikiforov A. 1, Lucachina Y. 2, Fylenko B. 1, Roiko N. 1

A comprehensive study is used when conducting identification techniques to identify an unknown person. The expert studies of bone remains occupy a special place among the basic research techniques in the Department of forensic criminalistics. The answers to the main questions of the investigation in relation to species, ethnic, gender, developmental stage and a number of additional issues, are provided by the research of dental or odontological status. The solution of expert problems of this nature is not limited to identification of the corpse, and the study of the human skeleton bones. Forensic medical experts study the traces of biological origin on the scene, including traces of teeth left on various surfaces. Therefore, to determine the unknown deceased or living person who is wanted or suspected of committing a crime, we use comprehensive identification studies. The environmental factors and after-death changes significantly affect the soft tissues of the body. But the most resilient factors are remains of the hard tissue, in particular human teeth. Thus, the signs of dental status remain an important component for the identification of the unknown in cases of forensic expert studies in the departments of forensic criminology in bone remnants and dental status. The objectivity and provability of forensic dental research or the using their criteria often helps to answer expert questions and, to some extent, depends on individual, sometimes rare details in the identification of unknown people. Criteria for typical and individual odontoglyphic patterns of lateral teeth can be used to account for additional odontological or dental status identifiers that may be included in computer programs or to create a database of identification studies of unknown individuals. The scientific value of studying the details and individual features of the odontological image as a component of the odontological status is possible in its implementation due to the latest radiovisiographic research. Nowadays, a number of dental interventions in the provision of modern dental care involve using a fairly broad method of research. Dental manipulations in the presence of odontopathology, thanks to modern restoration techniques, are aimed at the most accurate anatomical and odontoglyphic reproduction of the masticatory surface of the tooth with subsequent fixation in medical records. The results of the study are included by dentists in the medical documentation of the conducted clinical dental intervention, which can be used in conducting identification studies. Therefore, the use of odontoglyphic data, which is a component of odontological status, can also be seen as a separate, additional criterion of individual dental status in identification studies to identify a particular individual with forensic and expert significance.

Keywords: odontoglyphic status, large molars, forensic examination, unknown person, identification

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