ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 36 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(4): 273–278

Results of Clinical Study of Treatment and Prevention Complex for Periodontal Tissue Diseases accompanied by Diabetes Mellitus

Нermanchuk S. M.

According to the statistics of the spread of diseases, the incidence of diabetes is one of the leading positions in Ukraine after cardiovascular disease and cancer, and the first place among endocrine disorders. It is known that dental orthopedic rehabilitation of patients with diabetes is accompanied by certain difficulties due to numerous pathological manifestations of the disease. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, it can be argued that the presence of periodontal disease associated with diabetes complicates the planning and prediction of the results of orthopedic treatment. Thus, the presence of significant pathological changes in periodontal tissues in patients with diabetes mellitus, which are growing in dynamics and indicating the need to improve the diagnosis and development of methods of comprehensive rehabilitation of these patients using modern orthopedic structures. The purpose of the study was to increase the effectiveness of orthopedic treatment of patients with diabetes by determining the nature of patho- and morphogenetic changes in periodontal tissues and clinical experimental justification of treatment and prevention strategies using orthopedic structures. Material and methods. The study group included 168 patients with periodontal disease on the background of diabetes, they were divided into two subgroups depending on the severity of periodontal disease. Results and discussion. Due to the fact that patients with diabetes have large number of pathological changes in the tissues and organs of the oral cavity and need a special approach to orthopedic dental treatment and subsequent rehabilitation, a set of treatment and prevention measures was developed using methods of metabolism correction, biologically indifferent orthopedic structures and hygienic support in patients with diabetes mellitus. Before orthopedic treatment, the patients underwent a comprehensive therapeutic treatment of periodontal tissue diseases according to the generally accepted protocols of dental care in Ukraine. At the same time, the patients were registered at the dispensary with an endocrinologist and received appropriate therapy. Patients were treated in accordance with the developed set of treatment and prevention measures using methods of metabolism correction, biologically indifferent orthopedic structures and hygienic support in patients with diabetes. The degree of rehabilitation of patients after treatment was determined after 6 months, primarily in the absence of complaints of bleeding gums when brushing teeth, discomfort when chewing food, aesthetic defect, bad breath, discomfort when talking. Conclusion. After the treatment, the percentage of complaints of bleeding when brushing teeth, bad breath, discomfort when talking, aesthetic defect and discomfort when chewing food was significantly reduced. The developed set of treatment-and-prophylactic measures using methods of metabolism correction, biologically indifferent orthopedic constructions and hygienic support in patients with diabetes proved its clinical effectiveness in rehabilitation of patients with periodontal tissue diseases on the background of diabetes.

Keywords: orthopedic treatment, treatment-and-prophylactic complex, diabetes mellitus

Full text: PDF (Ukr) 398K

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