ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 33 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(4): 248–255
Social medicine and organization of health care

Main Factors of Influence on the Development of Effective Interaction of Medical Institutions within the Framework of One Hospital District

Stovban M. P. 1, Tolstanov O. K. 2, Gbur Z. V. 2

The article presents the analysis of the main factors that have an impact on the development of effective interaction of institutions within one hospital district. The author determined the weight and level of hospital council responsibility in terms of building the interaction of health care institutions on the example of hospital districts in Lviv region. The article describes the structure of the hospital council, which consists of several commissions, and how these commissions interact with each other. In the article, the author presented a SWOT analysis and identified the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks of hospital districts on the example of Lviv region. Based on the results of the analysis, the author highlighted the defining strengths and opportunities that should be focused on taking during the implementation and operation of hospital districts. The weaknesses reflected in the analysis show the current problems of the medical sector in Ukraine, in particular: insufficient number of highly qualified staff due to imperfect medical education system, high cost of training, which significantly limits the ability to choose this profession for low-income citizens, moving of highly qualified personnel abroad, etc.; insufficient infrastructure as a result of the low priority of the health sector in the system of public needs. During the years of Ukraine's independence, the infrastructure of the industry did not improve, but almost completely deteriorated over time. This applies to both medical institutions and ancillary institutions, sanatoriums, etc. A similar situation is observed in regard to insufficient quantity and outdated equipment for maintenance. The article outlines the factors that will affect their functioning and interaction in the future. It is clear that this interpretation of factors can be refined during the implementation of hospital districts in all regions of the state, and the results of the first few years of operation. In our opinion, it is one of the promising areas of research. Conclusion. On the basis of the obtained results, the author analyzed and grouped the factors influencing the interaction of hospital districts. In particular, the author highlighted the factors of external influence (scientific and technical, geographical, economic, social, public policy) and internal influence (infrastructural, economic, innovative, organizational).

Keywords: health care, medicine, reform, hospital district, interaction, influencing factors, external influence, internal influence, SWOT analysis

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