ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 43 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(3): 319–327

Dynamics of Biochemical Oral Fluid Markers of Tobacco-Dependent Patients with Inflammatory Diseases of Periodontal Tissues on the Background of Chronic Hyperacid Gastritis during Application of a New Treatment-and-Prophylactic Complex

Zolotukhina O., Romanova Iu.

Currently, the issue of inflammatory periodontal diseases appears to be the most acute. Among them, chronic generalized periodontitis, which is associated with bad habits and concomitant diseases, enjoys the greatest attention. In recent years, researchers' attention has been focused on the development of new methods of treatment of periodontal inflammatory diseases based on natural plant components and apiproducts. The purpose of the study was to research the clinical efficiency of the application of the new treatment-and-prophylactic complex in tobacco-dependent patients with periodontal inflammatory diseases on the background of chronic hyperacid gastritis with oral fluid biochemical markers. Material and methods. We examined 68 patients (men and women) aged from 25 to 44 years, who were divided into 2 groups. The first group (main group) consisted of 48 smoking patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of the initial-I, I stage in the course of chronic hyperacid gastritis. Smoking experience in the main group was more than 10 years, the number of smoked cigarettes was from 15 to 25 per day. Patients of the main group were randomly divided into two subgroups depending on the treatment method: 1a subgroup used basic CGP therapy and an ultraphonophoresis procedure with the new gel “Apisan”, 1b subgroup used basic CGP therapy and an ultraphonophoresis procedure with placebo. The second group (control group) consisted of 20 healthy individuals. To evaluate lipid peroxidation processes, the levels of malondialdehyde and diene conjugates were determined. The state of antioxidant protection was studied by catalase and superoxide dismutase activity levels. The antioxidant-prooxidant index was calculated by catalase activity and the malondialdehyde concentration. The activity of the urease enzyme was determined as a marker of the oral cavity microbial contamination. The level of nonspecific immunity was assessed by lysozyme activity. The degree of dysbiosis was calculated by urease and lysozyme activity. The activity of the elastase enzyme was determined as an indicator of inflammation and destruction of the periodontal tissues. Results and discussion. As a result of the study, we found out that the dynamics of changes in the oral fluid biochemical markers in tobacco-dependent patients with chronic generalized periodontitis and chronic hyperacid gastritis had better results during treatment and in the long term, provided that they used the developed therapeutic and prophylactic complex. Conclusion. Based on the data of our study, it can be argued that the dynamics of oral fluid biochemical markers in tobacco-dependent patients with chronic generalized periodontitis in the course of chronic hyperacid gastritis, and who was treated by a specially developed treatment complex, indicates a higher efficiency of this complex compared to patients who were treated by placebo, which was reflected in the faster normalization of oral fluid biochemical markers and less significant changes in its homeostasis in the long term.

Keywords: chronic generalized periodontitis, chronic hyperacid gastritis, smoking

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