ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 33 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(3): 249–254
Clinical Medicine

Heart Rate and Prevalence of Arrhythmias in Cardiologic and Rheumatologic Patients on the Background of Different Gallbladder Conditions

Strilchuk L. M.

Connections between heart and gallbladder disorders have been being discussed for a long time. Nevertheless, connections between gallbladder changes and heart rate and arrhythmias' prevalence are not studied enough, that’s why we decided to make this research. The purpose of this paper was to study heart rate and rhythm disorders prevalence on the background of various gallbladder conditions. Material and methods. We held a retrospective analysis of medical records of 604 patients: 437 with acute forms of ischemic heart disease – acute myocardial infarction (142) and unstable angina (116), which were treated by drugs only or with revascularization (98), stable angina (81) and 167 people with rheumatic diseases (75 patients with hemorrhagic vasculitis, 58 patients with rheumatic fever, and 34 patients with chronic rheumatic heart disease. These patients were divided into groups according to gallbladder condition: intact gallbladder, sludge and cholesterosis, body deformations, signs of cholecystitis, and after cholecystectomy. Results were analyzed with the help of appropriate statistical methods. Results and discussion. The obtained results showed that heart rate depended on gallbladder condition. It was minimal in patients with intact gallbladder and significantly higher in participants with cholelithiasis and after cholecystectomy. Increase of heart rate correlated with inflammation syndrome activation, progress of dyslipidemia, arterial hypertension, endogenous intoxication and cardiomyocyte cytolysis. Revealed heart rate increased on the background of gallbladder changes and had an important clinical value, because resting heart rate was associated with lifespan, cardiovascular risk and prognosis, including in patients with heart failure. In patients with gallbladder disorders tachycardia was more prominent in women (r=0.40, р=0.06). It was tightly associated with age (r=0.35, р<0.05) and systolic blood pressure (r=0.28, р<0.05). In comparison with patients who had intact gallbladder, its association was also stronger with inflammation syndrome potency, diastolic dysfunction, endogenous intoxication and cardiomyocyte cytolysis. In case of gallbladder removal, tachycardia was associated only with female (r=0.98, р<0.05) and hypercholesterolemia (r=0.70, р<0.05). Prevalence of arrhythmias was minimal in case of intact gallbladder (21.09%) and after cholecystectomy (20.69%). Whereas in patients with gallbladder disorders it was significantly higher (30.60%). Presence of arrhythmia did not correlate with any parameters in patients with intact gallbladder or after cholecystectomy, whereas in case of gallbladder disorders it significantly increased with age, activation of inflammation and prominence of systolic and diastolic dysfunctions of left ventricle. Perspectives of future investigations include studying the character of arrhythmias in patients with ischemic heart disease in dependence of gallbladder condition.

Keywords: heart rate, prevalence of arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease, gallbladder, cholecystectomy

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