ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 19 of 67
JMBS 2020, 5(3): 151–157
Clinical Medicine

Characteristics of Redox Homeostasis Parameters in Cirrhotic Patients With Synthropic Comorbid Lesions depending on the Liver Cirrhosis Severity

Abrahamovych M. O.1, Abrahamovych O. O.1, Fayura O. P.1, Fayura L. R.2

The purpose of the study was to characterize the parameters of redox homeostasis in cirrhotic patients with syntropic comorbid lesions, depending on the liver cirrhosis severity. Material and methods. The study was conducted in two stages. 75 patients (23 females (30.7%), 52 males (68.3%) with the mean age of 47.2 ± 10.4 years were included in the randomized trial with the preliminary stratification by the presence of liver cirrhosis. All of them were hospitalized and treated at Lviv Regional Hepatology Center. All patients underwent the complex comprehensive clinical laboratory and instrumental examination of all organs and systems in accordance with the requirements of the modern medicine. To study the redox homeostasis, we determined the contents of catalase and thiobarbituric acid products, in particular malondialdehyde. After obtaining the results, we characterized the content of redox homeostasis parameters in patients with liver cirrhosis and syntropic comorbid lesions, depending on its severity. The received results were handled on a personal computer in programs Excel 2010, Statistica 6.0, RStudio v. 1.1.442 and R Commander v.2.4-4 using descriptive statistics. The results obtained in the case of normal distribution were presented as M ± σ, n (the number of patients examined in the group), in case of abnormal distribution it was Me [25,0%; 75.0%]. The difference was considered statistically significant if p <0.05. Results and discussion. The study showed that in patients with liver cirrhosis along with the increase in its severity according to the criteria of C. G. Child-R. N. Pugh, the content of malondialdehyde increases and the content of catalase decreases in the presence of syntropic lesions of the digestive system, such as varicose veins of the esophagus, cirrhotic gastropathy, varicose hemorrhoidal veins; cardiovascular system: cirrhotic cardiomyopathy, heart rhythm disorders, arterial hypotension; respiratory system: hepatopulmonary syndrome; urinary system: hepatorenal syndrome; nervous system: hepatic encephalopathy; osteoarticular system: osteoporosis; hematopoietic system: anemia, coagulopathy; lesions of the skin, its appendages and mucous membranes. Conclusion. There is significance between the parameters of the pro- and antioxidant system and the cirrhosis severity in patients with liver cirrhosis and syntropic comorbid lesions, obtained according to the criteria of C. G. Child-R. N. Pugh (malondialdehyde content increase and catalase level decrease), which suggests their causal relationship.

Keywords: liver cirrhosis, redox homeostasis, reactive oxygen species, comorbid lesions, syntropy

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