ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 35 of 42
JMBS 2020, 5(2): 243–250
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Results of Assessing the Psychophysical Condition of Preschool Children

Pasichnyk V. M., Romanchuk I. V., Zhoba V. L.

The formation, preservation, strengthening and restoration of health of the young generation, and the protection of their lives are the main tasks of the state. First of all, it is updated in preschool age, when the basic components of the child’s personality formation are created; the basic personal “mechanisms” of behavior are developed; new motor, psychomotor, intellectual and morpho-functional relationships are formed as the highest biological and social cohesion in the activities of a person. The purpose of the study was to determine the indicators of the psychophysical state of preschool children. Material and methods. In total, 1188 preschool children took part in the study, among them 418 children (216 boys, 202 girls) of primary preschool age (3-4 years), 350 of them were (180 boys, 170 girls) of middle preschool age (4-5 years) and 420 of them were (211 boys, 209 girls) of senior preschool age (5-6 years) and 78 educators. The following research methods were applied in the work: analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific and methodological literature data; pedagogical ascertaining experiment, observation, testing, analysis and systematization of medical records (method of copying), biomedical, psychodiagnostic. Results and discussion. All children under study had 2843 medical records on the whole. The greatest number of missed days due to illness was found in children of preschool age, and the smallest was in children of preschool age. According to the Ketle and Erisman indices, most children had a proportional physique. The general state of physical fitness of the majority of the examined indicated its satisfactory level and corresponded to the age norm. The main indicators of the cardiorespiratory system were within the average age norm. Regarding the well-defined properties of one type of temperament among the surveyed contingent of children 3-6 years, the most represented was the sanguine type of temperament found in 2.9-9.7 % (which averages 5.5 % on the whole sample), further on the rating phlegmatic temperament was represented in 1.7-4.9 % and the choleric type had 0.9-4.9 % and (average sample was 3.5 % and 2.0%, respectively), and the least represented type was melancholic found in 1.4 -2.8 % (sample average 1.8 %). Conclusion. The study showed that the formation of the mental development of children 3-6 years old significantly more often corresponded to a sufficient level, and the formation of moral development was often higher. The children of preschool age often were characterized by a combination of several dominant features of one temperament with another. A small number of children had well-defined properties of one type of temperament.

Keywords: psychophysical state, children, preschool age

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