ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 30 of 42
JMBS 2020, 5(2): 210–217
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Tabata Fitness Training as a Means of Improving Physical Condition of Students of the Specialty «Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy»

Arieshyna Yu. B., Rudenko А. M., Zviriaka O. M.

The interest caused by using the most modern methods of training, has an important role in improving and maintaining the physical condition of students. Such methods, on the one hand, must be highly effective, and, on the other hand, should not require significant material and time costs for training. The leading place among them belongs to physical fitness, which is trendy and acceptable in modern society. One of the varieties of fitness training is Tabata workout. An analysis of the scientific and methodological literature did not find fundamental scientific studies concerning the possibilities of using Tabata training to influence on the physical condition of students who study at the specialty 227 «Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy». The purpose of the study was to estimate the impact of the fitness training program using the Tabata protocol on the physical condition of students who study at the specialty 227 «Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy». Material and methods. The study involved 20 female-students aged 20.1±1.25 years, who studied at the specialty 227 «Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy». The participants of the main group (n=10) performed interval fitness training using the Tabata protocol; participants of the control group (n=10) were engaged in strength and aerobic fitness programs using an even spreading of exercise stress in the lesson. The number of classes per week was 2; study duration was 8 weeks. In order to estimate the level of physical condition of the participants, an express system of complex assessment of the physical condition Kontrex-2 was used. Results and discussion. The preliminary examination of the participants showed the insufficient level of physical qualities development, the level of physical condition was classified as average. The final examination pointed the improvement of such physical qualities as dynamic strength, speed endurance, and speed-strength endurance in the main group (p<0.05 compared with the control group). At the end of the study, the level of physical condition in the main group was assessed as «above average» (175±20.02 points), in the control group it remained at the average level (154.9±21.31 points) (p<0.05). Conclusion. Tabata fitness training proved to be effective and appropriate to improve the physical condition of students who study at the specialty 227 «Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy».

Keywords: fitness, interval training, physical condition, students, Tabata

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