ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 24 of 42
JMBS 2020, 5(2): 172–177

Experimental Correction of Serotonine Gonadopathy in Rats with the Help of «Bioglobin-U»

Brechka N. M. 1, Sirotenko L. A. 1, Korenieva Ye. M. 1, Velichko N. F. 1, Morozenko D. V. 2, Kozar V. V. 2, Malova N. G. 1, Bondarenko B. A. 1

Male factor infertility is increasing not only in Ukraine, but also in other countries. Search among drugs that improve the state of the reproductive system after a destructive effect is carried out continuously. These include biogenic stimulants (extract, liniment and aloe juice, vitreous body, placenta extract, etc.), which have been widely used in andrological and urological practice for many years. The main feature of their application is the activation of various protective systems of the body, mainly enzyme systems, immunobiological reactivity, normalization of hormonal functions. One of these drugs is "Bioglobin-U" (proteinization of water-salt extract of human placenta). Pharmacological properties of “Bioglobin-U” are characterized by the presence of analgetic, anti-inflammatory, immunotropic, reparative, antioxidant effects, etc. The purpose of the work was study the effect of “Bioglobin-U” on the level of the male sex hormone testosterone into the testes and in the blood serum, as well as the determination of the pituitary gonadotropic function on experimental serotonin model of gonadopathy. Material and methods. To reproduce the pathology of gonads we used a model of serotonin lesion of the testis in male rats with the help of Serotonin hydrochloride (Alfa Aesar®), subcutaneously at a dose of 5 mg / kg during 14 days). Testes homogenates were used to determine the amount of testosterone intratesticularly. The total gonadotropic activity was studied in the extracts of the pituitary glands of adult male rats treated with serotonin hydrochloride and animals to which Bioglobin-U at a dose 200 μl / kg 60 mg / kg of body weight and Tribestan were administered on its background, by biological testing. Results and discussion. The study results proved that the administration of serotonin hydrochloride led to gonadopathy accompanied by a defeat of spermatogenesis and a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood serum and in the testes, as well as a decrease in the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland of male rats. The introduction of the drug "Bioglobin-U" on the background of serotonin defeat of the testes improved spermatogenesis. Administration of Bioglobin-U to animals on the background of serotonin hydrochloride had a positive effect on the level of testosterone in the blood serum and in the testes. Conclusion. The obtained results showed that the total gonadotropic activity under the influence of the introduction of "Bioglobin-U" was normalized, but was increased under the conditions of administration of Tribestan.

Keywords: serotonin testicular defeat, pituitary gland, intratesticular testosterone, total gonadotropic activity, “Bioglobin-U”, male rats

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