ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 16 of 42
JMBS 2020, 5(2): 121–124

Local Treatment of Chronic Candidiasis Stomatitis

Nikolishyna E., Marchenko A., Ilenko N., Lytovchenko І.

Fungus of the Candida genus belongs to the pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity. Chronic candidiasis often occurs in the elderly and elderly with low reactivity, who use removable plastic prostheses (mainly atrophic form of candidiasis stomatitis) or in patients who use antibiotics, oral contraceptives, cytostatic drugs, corticosteroids. Topical treatment of chronic candidiasis of stomatitis mainly focused on the use of 1-2 antifungal drugs. However, the use of only one antifungal agent is usually not sufficient to restore the microbial landscape of the oral microflora, and the rapid adaptation of Candida fungi to antifungal drugs does not provide a stable clinical result, due to the complex morphological structure of Candida fungi their rapid adaptation to monotherapy. Material and methods. We observed 27 patients with chronic candidiasis stomatitis, atrophic and hyperplastic, aged 45-60 years. Each patient underwent a comprehensive dental examination, which included general clinical diagnosis (survey, examination) and laboratory examination (general blood test, scraping for microscopy and cultural diagnostics). Results and discussion. Treatment of patients in the study group was considered effective in achieving positive results in the clinical picture of the disease and microbiological examination one month after the end of general and combined local therapy. The proposed by us combination of topical antifungal therapy was performed as part of a comprehensive treatment for chronic candidiasis. General treatment included dieting, elimination of background pathology, and the use of antifungal, hyposensitizing, immunobiological, and vitamin therapy. Local therapy of patients with atrophic and hyperplastic forms of chronic candidiasis stomatitis consisted in the application of the scheme developed at the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of UMSA, where several groups of antifungal agents are prescribed, which change throughout the day and course of treatment. Positive clinical dynamics were noted by all patients in the experimental group. According to the subjective picture of the disease, the objective state of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity was normalized because edema, hyperemia, plaque disappeared. Conclusion. The obtained results showed positive dynamics of changes in the microbial landscape of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity in patients of the experimental group with chronic candidiasis. Complete restoration of the microflora in the oral mucosa after the start of treatment was established in 21 (77.7%) patients, and in 6 patients (22.2%), only slight improvement was observed.

Keywords: candidiasis, antimycotics, Candida fungus

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