ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 37 of 57
JMBS 2020, 5(1): 246–249
Hygiene and Ecology

Using Chronobiological Approach for Assessing the Students Health Status for the Purpose its Preserving

Zemlyakova T. D., Нolovkova T. A., Antonova O. V.

The studying in higher education institution, young people face with a complex multifactorial environment of existence, adaptation to which depends on biorhythmological features. Future professional work of physicians and learning conditions demands from students the ability to overcome the stress, an adequate level of personal stress resistance, which is determined by peculiarities of a person’s nervous and mental state, his/her ability to take responsibility for the result in an irregular situation. The purpose of the work was to determine the type of working capacity and establishing the degree of stress exposure in medical students for developing a complex of prophylactic activities for students’ adaptation to difficult training conditions and improvement of its quality. Material and methods. Biorhythmological peculiarities of 78 boys and 214 girls were analyzed. Using special questionnaire we determined the types of biorhythms (disability) and exposure to stress in the third year students of the Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy. Results and discussion. Research results testified that the majority of students (47 %) were doves, almost one third of them (30 %) were larks, and 23 % of respondents accounted for owls. “Doves” had the increased adaptation capability compared with the most diverse types. The fact that most boys and girls (42 % and 51 %, respectively) were arrhythmic was very positive, taking into account the particularities of doctors' work. The obtained results showed that the most adaptable to stress respondents were «larks» (p <0.01), although it did not coincide with the results of similar questionnaires. Other authors’ research results evidenced that stress resistance depended not only on the brain functional activity, but also on functional states of the organism, mental activity, working capacity, social states and other. 31 % of respondents were resistant to stress, 67 % had moderate predisposition to stress, and increased sensitivity to stress factors was typical for 2 % of students. Manifestations of psychosomatic disorders were fixed in 67.5 % of young people. Conclusion. The obtained data allowed analyzing the proportion of boys and girls biorhythms types, to describe their gender characteristics, the degree of emotional tension as well as the opportunity to develop activities for desynchronoses prevention, resistance to stress factors, increasing and preserving students’ health.

Keywords: types of biorhythms, pigeons, larks, owls, students

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