ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 13 of 60
JMBS 2019, 4(6): 92–98
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Histological Changes of the Tricuspid Heart Valve with Prolonged Administration of Opioid in the Experiment

Simivska R.

The article presents and analyzes the data of the research carried out on white rats in females and males of reproductive age. Every year there is a tendency towards a steady increase in the number of people suffering from pain, which sharply puts the question on effective anesthesia both to narrow specialists and general practitioners. One of the main social and medical problems of the present is drug addiction. Anesthesia is an important task in the work of the physician, since pain is the main cause of the suffering and appeals of patients for medical assistance. In the world, the trend is increasing the use of opioids, which contributes to the improvement of the state of somatic, visceral and neuropathic pain. The problem of adequate anesthesia remains unresolved and is at the center of attention of specialists. The purpose of the study was to establish the peculiarities of the microorganization of the tricuspid valve of the heart of a white rat during long–term administration of the opioid in the experiment. Material and methods. Material for the study presented by histopreparations of the tricuspid heart valve for conducting research at the microstructural level. The study was performed on 30 sexually mature white rats of reproductive age with 160–220 g of mass. Experimental animals were administered intramuscularly 1 time a day for the same period of time during 42 days (6 weeks) opioid narcotic analgesic Nalbuphin. Animals were withdrawn from the experiment in 2.4 and 6 weeks from the time the opioid was administered. Results and discussion. After 2 weeks, the administration of nalbuphin on the histological preparations of the tricuspid valve we observed the following changes: there was a slight decrease in the number of endothelial cells in the basement membrane in the endothelial layer of the endocardium; the change in their shape from the polygonal in the circular graft. The surface fibrous subendothelial layer decreased the number of fibroblasts, bundles of collagen fibers became less, increasing the amount of the main substance. In the muscular elastic layer there was a decrease in the number of smooth myocytes and elastic droplets, collagen and reticular fibers are chaotic. The outer layer was represented with an uneven surface, the endothelial cells were located far more apart than the inner endothelium layer. After 4 weeks of nalbuphin administration we observed histologically the following changes: in the endothelial layer, the endothelium cells were detached into the lumen of the ventricle. On the outer surface of the valves (reversed to the cavity of the atrium), the endothelial cells gradually lost connection with the basal membrane. In the surface fibrous layer, there was a significant decrease in the bundles of collagen fibers, a large amount of the main substance and single bodies of fibroblasts, the thinness of the fibrous plate of the valve sash. In the muscular–elastic layer, contact between smooth myocytes and thinned beams of collagen and elastic fibers was lost. After 6 weeks of administration of nalbuphin, there were profound destructive changes: in the inner layer endothelial cells were not attached to the basement membrane. In the outer layer, isolated endothelial cells of the irregular shape were attached to a thin basement membrane and form the valve structures between themselves or lost contact with it. In the subendothelial layer there was a small amount of stratified beam of collagen fibers, a large amount of the main substance and fibrocytes. Bundles of collagen fibers became thinner and fragmented. In the muscular–elastic layer, there disappeared contact between smooth myocytes, thin beams of collagen and elastic fibers. Conclusion. Thus, the ternary heart valve after 6 weeks of administration of nalbuphin was in the decompensation stage, when the outer and inner endothelial layers were destroyed, the subendothelial layer was represented by single beams of differently directed and destroyed collagen fibers, with a small number of cells located between the main substance. In the muscular–elastic layer, the contact between smooth myocytes and fragmented and thinned collagen and elastic fibers was lost.

Keywords: histological structure, tricuspid valve, white rat, nalbuphine, opioid

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