ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 57 of 60
JMBS 2019, 4(6): 392–398
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Application of «FitCurves» Circular Training Elements in Physical Education of Students of Pedagogical Universities

Bazylevych N. A., Kravchenko T. P., Tonkonog A. S.

An important strategic task of reforming education in Ukraine is the need to promote the physical and mental health of young people. Today, the youth need for updating the content of physical education at the university is relevant, and the existing forms and methods of students' physical education, unfortunately, are conservative. Many scientists searched for means of increasing the effectiveness of physical education of students. In their opinion, the effectiveness of physical education of university students depends on building new strategies for physical education and health. One of the main sports and fitness education tools is the latest fitness technology. The purpose of the article was to study the effectiveness of using «FitCurves» circular training elements in physical education of students of pedagogical universities. Material and methods. To achieve the goal of the study, we used the theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, testing method and experiment, physiological methods and methods of mathematical statistics. The peculiarity of the «FitCurves» fitness training methodology is the combination of strength training with aerobic exercise. However, unlike the American «FitCurves» system, which is offered exclusively for women and requires special equipment (pneumatic simulators), we offered students to perform various strength exercises and alternated them with dance movements according to the principle of circular training. Results and discussion. The experimental technique included three interconnected preparatory, training and stabilization and improvement stages, which had their own tasks and the corresponding methods for their implementation. They sought to improve the physical fitness of female students, increase the functional capabilities of various body systems, and increase calorie expenditures when performing special exercises. In the final part of the lesson, we used stretching exercises, which avoided unpleasant sensations after a power load. The greatest increase was achieved in the experimental group students in terms of strength endurance. It can be explained by regular classes on the FitCurves technology, which included exercises with dumbbells. The students' flexibility indicators also underwent great shifts due to regular stretching classes. Conclusion. Comparison of the final results between the experimental and control groups proved the reliability of their differences (p <0.05). The obtained results confirmed the effectiveness of using elements of the «FitCurves» fitness program in the educational process of physical education with female students of pedagogical universities.

Keywords: fitness technology, fitness, «FitCurves», students

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