ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 38 of 60
JMBS 2019, 4(6): 260–264

The Prevalence of Dental Defects in the Adult Population of Kharkiv Region

Slinko Yu. O., Sokolova I. I., Udovichenko N. M.

The article presents the results of studying the prevalence of dental defects in the adult population of Kharkiv region. The relevance of the chosen research direction is explained by the importance of this indicator for planning the development of different vectors of dental care. The purpose of this work was to study the prevalence of dental defects by age and gender characteristics in the adult population of Kharkiv region based on the results of the analysis of orthopantomograms. Material and methods. We analyzed orthopantomograms of 1269 patients performed on a fifth-generation Dental Vereviewepocs 3D R100 (Morita, Japan). For a more detailed analysis of the prevalence of dentition defects in the adult population of the Kharkiv region, age distribution groups were conducted from 18 to 84 every five years (except for the 1st and 12th groups, which were formed by merging according to the following and the previous teams to meet the requirements of epidemiological research on WHO recommendations). Results and discussion. From the 1269 analyzed orthopantomograms we found that 676 of them (53.27%) had small dentition defects (up to 3 teeth), 199 (15.68%) had large dentition defects (4 or more teeth) and 394 persons (31.05%) had no defects in the dentition. Analysis of orthopantomograms by age showed that only the youngest group (from 18 to 24 years) was dominated by the absence of defects in the dental rows (83.48%). From 25 to 29 years the number of orthopantomograms without defects in the dental rows decreased by 1.4 times (p <0.05) and made up 58.54% of cases. The number of small defects in the dentition increased by 2.47 times (p <0.001) and made up 40.85% of cases. In this age group, there was a large defect (0.50%) on the orthopantomogram of 1 person. The analysis of the following age groups revealed the trend of the previous two groups. Namely, with increasing age of patients who applied for radiographic examination, the number of orthopantomograms with absence of defects of dental rows decreased, and the number of large defects, on the contrary, increased (p <0.05). Overall, a direct correlation was found between the growth of patients' age and the number of defects in the dentition (r = 0.4207, p = 0.00). The studies conducted generally coincide with the information of other researchers on the prevalence of age and gender-specific defects in dental areas in different regions of Ukraine. Conclusions. The conducted analysis showed a direct correlation between the growth of patients' age and the number of dentition defects, and the absence of such on a gender basis.

Keywords: secondary adentia, orthopantomogram, age distribution, gender prevalence, adult population

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