ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 25 of 60
JMBS 2019, 4(6): 178–185
Clinical Medicine

Express Assessment of the Cell Metabolism Energy State in Patients with Iron Deficiency Anemia

Pesotskaya L. A. 1, Lakiza T. V. 1, Kulkina O. A. 2, Lukyanenko L. M. 2, Selezneva M. L. 2

The purpose of the work was to determine the possibility of using the method of kirlianography in patients with iron deficiency anemia for express assessment of their bioenergy status by the type of crown luminescence in comparison with standard clinical and laboratory methods. Material and methods. In this study we examined 75 patients with iron deficiency anemia of various etiology and severity. The age of patients ranged from 21 to 63 years. The majority of the examined patients were women (80 %). 20 people were diagnosed with severe anemia (hemoglobin below 70 g / l), 11 people had mild anemia (hemoglobin 90 g / l and above) and the others had the moderate severity. The causes of anemia were bleeding, chronic systemic diseases, and tumors. There were no statistically significant differences in treatment between patients of the 1st and 2nd groups with iron deficiency anemia. Indicators of ferrokinetics between groups differed statistically. Results and discussion. The level of ferritin was determined before treatment and was in the 1st group patients up to 20 ng / ml and was on average 8.0 ng / ml, in the 2nd group patients it was higher and averaged 82 ng / ml. These data correlate with the literature regarding the pathogenesis of anemia in chronic diseases. At moderately reduced or normal levels of iron content in the body there are difficulties in its re–utilization. We used the standard methods of clinical and laboratory examination and studied X–ray film of the fingers and toes using the Kirlian–Bioelectrograph device. The types of crown luminescence were evaluated according to the method of P. Mandela. The study showed the degree of energy–metabolic disturbances in the cells. The criterion of vegetative–endocrine dysregulation was the loss of the streamers in the crown indicates. Besides, the peculiarities of intoxication with increased metabolism were drops around the crown. Furthermore, an increase in the density of streamers indicated dystrophic changes with increased anaerobic respiration in the cells. We also paid attention to the difference between disorders in the crown luminescence around the fingers of the upper and lower limbs according to the recommendations of P. Mandela. The obtained results showed differences between the types of luminescence depending on the pathogenesis and course of anemia. We came to the conclusion that the use of a kirlianographic study for patients with iron deficiency anemia is appropriate for assessing the prognosis of the course of the disease and predicting the effectiveness of treatment for restoring the metabolic and cellular homeostasis of the body. The prevalence of endocrine type of luminescence in patients of the 1st group in comparison with the 2nd group was noteworthy. Signs of intoxication in the coronary artery disease around the fingers were more frequent, with a much rarer degenerative type of luminescence. In contrast, we observed fewer patients with intoxication and more with degenerative changes in the cellular energy state in the 2nd group, reflecting a decrease in recent compensatory responses to the anemic state. We observed the lower extremity of crown luminescence (the 1st and 2nd degrees of severity of anemia) in patients of the 2nd group compared with the 1st group with more frequent intoxication, and more frequent degeneration. Conclusion. The types of defects in the gas crown of luminescence around the fingers and toes in patients with iron deficiency anemia reflected the severity of somatic disorders associated with pathogenetic mechanisms of iron deficiency, regardless of the degree of anemia. The use of a kirlianographic study of fingers and toes in patients with iron deficiency anemia is expedient for express assessment of the energetic state of cellular metabolism for the purpose of adequate complex therapy.

Keywords: iron deficiency anemia, kirlianography, energy state

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