ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 57 of 61
JMBS 2019, 4(5): 366–375
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Indicators of the Acid-Basic Condition of the Blood at the Representatives of Different Types of Sport

Vinnichuk Yu. D. 1, Bezuglaya V. V. 2

It is really important to control the parameters of the blood acid-base balance in the practice of sports. Changes in the blood acid-base balance during training loads allowed considering the metabolic response and the adaptive capabilities of the body. Information about these indicators in terms of muscular activity is well studied, but their condition with muscular rest (pre-exercise) is still the subject for discussion. The purpose of this study was to investigate the blood acid-base balance parameters, as well as relationship with the biochemical homeostasis parameters and the state of the cardiovascular system in athletes of various sports before exercise. Material and methods. The study involved of 78 skilled athletes, members of national teams of Ukraine (cyclic sports (n=42) – cycle racing, canoeing, swimming; difficult coordination sports (n=26) – rhythmic gymnastics, diving; martial arts (n=10) – judo). All athletes were after twenty-four hours of relaxation, without diseases and traumas. The study of indicators of the venous blood acid-base status (pH, carbon dioxide pressure (pCO2), oxygen pressure (pO2), bicarbonate concentration (НСО3-), base excess (BE), and the total bicarbonate (tCO2) was carried on blood gas and electrolyte analyzer «Osmetech OPTI CCA» (Human Ltd., Germany). Electrocardiographic study was performed using the multifunctional diagnostic complex «CardioPlus» (Metekol, Ukraine). The biochemical markers (indicators of lipid, carbohydrate, protein and mineral metabolism, metabolic regulators were studied on the semiautomatic biochemical analyzer «HUMALYZER 3000» (Human Ltd., Germany). Results and discussion. The average group pH of venous blood 95.2% of athletes were within reference values. The athletes who specialize in rhythmic gymnastics, rowing and canoeing, swimming, cycling and judo showed changes in blood acid-base balance characteristic of pre-exercise respiratory acidosis, offset by metabolic alkalosis ( НСО3-,  BE). The highest values of the average group BE, HCO3-, tCO2 noted in swimmers (14.12±4.78 mmoll-1, (41.48±4.72 mmoll-1, 43.27±3.84 mmoll-1) and cycle racing (9.28±1.92 mmoll-1, 36.74±1.81 mmoll-1, 38.55±1.84 mmoll-1, respectively), which indicate the high power of the body buffer systems. None of the athlete showed pre-training metabolic acidosis, which was considered an early sign of fatigue. The association of BE and HCO3- values with the muscle damage (microtrauma muscles) in swimming athletes, was also observed. Conclusions. Results of this study can be used in the planning preventative measures, the formation of individual training process, the early diagnosis of the acid-base balance disturbance in the sports organism.

Keywords: sport, acid-base balance, biochemical homeostasis, electrocardiography

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