ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 53 of 61
JMBS 2019, 4(5): 338–344

Histological Research of Uterus in Pregnant Rats of Young and Mature Age in the Conditions of Fetoplacental Insufficiency

Seliukova N. Yu. 1,2, Misiura K. V. 1, Larianovskaia Yu. B. 2

It is well known that the relationship between maternal organisms and the fetus during the entire gestational period largely depends on the state of the placenta. Moreover, the fetoplacental complex forms a single functional system that provides the necessary conditions for the development of the fetus. A lot of external and internal factors affect the state of the fetoplacental complex, starting with the environment and ending with the age of the mother. One of the elements of the fetoplacental complex is the uterus. The purpose of the work was to study the state of the uterus on the 20th day of pregnancy in rats, which was complicated by fetoplacental insufficiency in animals of different age groups. Material and methods. We selected healthy adult female Wistar rats, young (3-4 months) and mature (8-10 months), with a normal estrous cycle. The first day of pregnancy was considered the day when the sperm was found in morning vaginal smears. To simulate fetoplacental insufficiency, 50% oily solution of carbon tetrachloride was administered subcutaneously to females of two age groups, from the 12th to 18th days of pregnancy at a dose of 2 ml/kg for the body weight. Material sampling for histological examination in all control and experimental animals was performed on the 20th day of pregnancy. Samples were fixed in 10% formalin solution, carried out on alcohols of increasing concentration, embedded in paraffin. Blocks with samples were cut on a sled microtome; sections of 5-6 microns thick were fixed on a glass slide, stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Results and discussion. Experimental fetoplacental insufficiency caused in the uterus of animals moderately varying in expressiveness reactive structural-dystrophic changes in the epithelium and stroma. Under the influence of fetoplacental insufficiency, in parts of the placental sites, alterative changes occurred in the spongy tissue, and vascularization decreased. In the segment of the myometrium of the placental site, the blood vessels were characterized by a small lumen, determined by the tortuosity of the contours. This may be due to the absence or insufficient gestational transformation of them, which is one of the reasons for the development of fetoplacental insufficiency. In our study, the fundamental difference in the state of the uterine tissues of pregnant female rats of young and mature age was not observed. Conclusion. Experimental fetoplacental insufficiency led to impaired uteroplacental circulation, regardless of the age of the female. This condition was followed by thrombosis of blood vessels, their occlusion and the formation of infarction sites of the placental tissue, which may further lead to complications during childbirth.

Keywords: pregnancy, placental insufficiency, maternal age, uterus

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