ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 48 of 61
JMBS 2019, 4(5): 310–313
Humanitarian issues of medicine and problem of teaching at the higher school

Assessment by Students of the Organization of the Educational Process at the Department of Human Anatomy

Kozlov S. V., Snisar E. S., Esaulov A. G., Kartamysheva V. D.

The issue of high-quality medical education for modern science and medicine remains relevant in connection with integration of the education processes. The way of doctor’s performing his duties influences the health of the patient and his/her further life. Requirements for a doctor as a specialist are constantly increasing, as they must comply with international standards. In this regard, modern institutions of higher education need to introduce new approaches to vocational education, which furnish the necessary requirements along with its fundamental, and compliance with the requirements of state educational standards, the development of personal qualities of a future specialist, professional and personal self-development. The training of a doctor involves not only the development of information knowledge by students, but also the formation of medical thinking, which is achieved through the formation of a complex of general cultural and professional competences. An intensive upgrade of medical technologies, the integration of scientific knowledge, and an increase in the complex of scientific and applied problems of multidisciplinary nature put new challenges for the improvement of knowledge and skills to higher professional education. The purpose of the work was to analyze the quality of organization of educational process at the Department of Human Anatomy of the State Institution "Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" based on the results of anonymous questionnaire of students. Material and methods. The material for analyzing the students' satisfaction with the educational process at the Department of Human Anatomy were questionnaires filled out by the 2nd year students in the specialty “Medicine” (total number of enrolled was 144 persons). The anonymous questionnaire was developed by the staff of the laboratory of psychophysiological research. Students rated teaching lectures and practical classes. Moreover, students initiated a survey of the same contingent of students using the messenger. It is worth learning how the students themselves perceive the learning process. Results and discussion. The students were asked the questions as to the convenience and quality of determining the program of study at the Department of Human Anatomy, whether they considered the training in the proposed program effective. The obtained results testified to the effectiveness (94% of respondents) of teaching anatomy as a subject and understanding its practical value. The questionnaire included questions related to the need for discipline “Human anatomy” in the suggested number of classes and with the proposed teaching and methodological content. All received digital results were processed by mathematical methods. Analyzing the results, it's possible to see that most students were aware of the importance of the future profession. Therefore, in classes, at the beginning of the first semester, the lecturers of our department explained the general principles of constructing Latin anatomical terms, and features of the Latin language. Knowledge of anatomy promotes the formation of skills and abilities of medical communication, creates the preconditions for the emergence of clinical thinking, which is the basis for the successful professional activity of any doctor. Students' successful absorption of the material, in the majority, depends on the teachers, their authority and the desire to teach. Conclusion. Monitoring students is a necessary and useful tool for feedback and contributes to improving the efficiency of the learning process. 144 students assessed the satisfaction of teaching lectures and conducting practical classes 4.6 and 4.5 points (5-point scale), respectively. The results of the interview with the help of a messenger showed that 75% of students assessed the department's work “well” and “excellent”.

Keywords: anatomy, questionnaires, educational process, medical education

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