ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 30 of 61
JMBS 2019, 4(5): 197–201
Clinical Medicine

The Increasing Frequency of Caesarean Section as a Problem of Modern Obstetrics

Tarasenko K. V., Gromova A. M., Shafarchuk V. M., Nesterenko L. A.

Cesarean section is the most common delivery operation in modern obstetrics, which prevents the development of severe complications for the mother and fetus. The increasing frequency of cesarean section observed in recent years is one of the problems of modern obstetrics. Raising the incidence of caesarean section higher than 15 % is not recommended by the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine and the World Health Organisation because it does not affect the reduction of perinatal morbidity and mortality among children born by caesarean section compared to those born naturally. Abdominal delivery leads to an increase in the number of postpartum complications and impaired adaptive capacity of the newborn baby. Material and methods. After analyzing the abdominal delivery in the maternity ward of the Poltava City Clinical Maternity Hospital over the last 10 years, we found out that the incidence of caesarean sections increased from 14.6 % in 2008 to 19.9 % in 2017, reflecting global trends in obstetrics and meeting average statistics across Ukraine. It is noteworthy that the number of planned operations is growing and the number of urgent operations is reducing over recent five years. Results and discussion. Analyzing perinatal mortality for the period from 2008 to 2018, this indicator is more than tripled (from 10.7 % in 2008 to 3.5 % in 2018). Reviewing the experience of perinatal losses and considering the level of caesarean sections, we can conclude that there is a relationship between an increase in the frequency of abdominal delivery and a decrease in perinatal losses. Although there is a decrease in perinatal mortality with an increase in the incidence of Cesarean section, one should not forget the high risk of obstetric and anesthesiologic complications both during surgery and in the postoperative period. Thus, it can be argued that the most significant indications for carrying out a planned caesarean section are a scar on the uterus and breech position of the fetus, and for urgent caesarean section – fetal distress in the absence of conditions for rapid delivery through natural genital tract, anomalies of birth defects and anomalies of childbirth. Therefore, the above indications remain the potential to be influenced to reduce the frequency of caesarean section. Prevention of the first operation is essential. It is important to standardize the obstetric care in addressing the issue of cesarean section optimization, as well as the social and legal protection of the obstetrician-gynecologist. Conclusion. Analysis of cases of abdominal delivery, its structure according to indications, and assessment of the effect of cesarean section frequency on perinatal losses in the Poltava City Clinical Maternity Hospital revealed ways to reduce the frequency of caesarean section.

Keywords: pregnancy, caesarean section, perinatal mortality, obstetric complications

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