ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 49 of 49
JMBS 2019, 4(4): 313–319
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Activity of National Organizations developing Taekwondo in Ukraine

Palatnyy A.

Modern sport has no equivalents in the social and political, economical and organizational segments of the world community life. Over the past decade, the popularity of various aspects of sports activities at the international, regional and national levels has grown rapidly in most countries of the world. At the same time, out of researchers focus on activity of the national organizations regarding the development some kinds of Olympic combat sports, in particular Taekwando. This forms the relevance of our research. The purpose of the study was to describe the content of activity of national organizations for the development of Taekwando in Ukraine. Material and methods. We used theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific data and methodical literature, analysis of documentary materials, content analysis. The organization of research included the study of the information content of the official website of the Ukrainian Taekwondo Federation and the content of governing documents of the Federation and its structural units. Results and discussion. Athletes who successfully passed training in the given competition will be included into the Ukrainian national team for participation in the international competitions of the current year; on the basis of the decision of the medical commission on the state of health they have a permission to participate in the competitions; have the appropriate level of technical training (Dan); have high moral and volitional qualities and are worthy to represent Ukraine at international competitions. The governing bodies of the Ukrainian Taekwondo Federation are the Presidium headed by the President. It consists of the President, four Vice-Presidents according to the directions of activity: two of whom are elected by the Conference and other two vice-presidents are appointed by the President, the General Secretary and members of the Presidium. Conclusions. The main tasks of the Taekwondo Federation are to facilitate the development and implementation of Taekwondo development programs in Ukraine; providing organizational, methodical and other assistance to the members of Federation in attracting the population to Taekwondo; assistance in the establishment and development of cooperation, fruitful interaction, mutual understanding between members of the Federation; promotion of information dissemination in Ukraine about Taekwondo and about activity of Federation. The basic units implementing the Federation activities are the following: Technical Committee, Coaching Committee, Parataekwondo Committee, Disciplinary Committee, Anti-Doping and Medical Committee, Legal Committee, Athletic Committee, Taekwondo Committee Poomsae, Veterans Sport Committee, media committee.

Keywords: taekwondo, statute, federation, structure, content, documents

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