ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 47 of 49
JMBS 2019, 4(4): 301–306
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Motor Abilities in 7-10 year-old Children with Intellectual Development Impairment and Pathology of Vision

Dychko V. V, Bobieriev V. E., Klimenko Yu. S.

To address the problems of social adaptation and integration of children with intellectual disabilities, it is necessary to update the content, forms and methods of training and rehabilitation. Active physical education activities have a positive effect on the functioning of the basic systems of the body of children with intellectual disabilities, thus contributing to the development of functions that allow them to adapt to life in society. The purpose of the work was to study the motor abilities of children aged 7-10 years with intellectual disabilities and pathology of vision. Material and methods. We surveyed 160 children aged 7 to 10, including 90 children with intellectual disabilities and 70 practically healthy peers. The research was carried out on the basis of the Slavic specialized general-education boarding school number 23 of the Donetsk region and secondary school number 9 of the Slavic city of Donetsk region. Our research was aimed at establishing motor skills in boys and girls with psycho-physiological abnormalities. Results and discussion. The study of indicators characterizing power capabilities (speed control, flexion and arm extensions, control of strength endurance and assessment of speed abilities) of children with psychophysiological deviations aged 7-10 years showed that boys with deviations are lagging behind practically healthy peer boys. Boys with intellectual disabilities are 10 years behind the practically healthy boys of the same age by shuttle running. Boys aged 7-8, 9 and 10 years with intellectual disabilities are lagging behind practically healthy peers in the assessment of a sense of time according to Sermeyev (5s and 10s). Similar results in boys with intellectual disabilities were obtained when performing tests for flexibility of movements, but indicators of flexibility of movements of boys with intellectual disabilities aged 7-8 years practically did not differ from those of practically healthy boys of similar age. According to the tests of power abilities (dynamometry, speed control, control of strength endurance and assessment of high-speed abilities), girls with intellectual disabilities aged 7-8 and 10 (mostly) lagged behind when performing from practically healthy girls of the corresponding age. Testing of coordination abilities in girls with intellectual disabilities aged 7-10 years showed that these girls lagged behind the shuttle test from practically healthy girls of the corresponding age. Investigation of the strength and endurance of hands of boys and girls with psychophysiological needs aged 7-10 years also showed their violation. Boys and girls with intellectual disabilities 7-10 years of age lagged behind in strength and endurance of hands from practically healthy peers of the same age (the exception was the value of endurance index in children aged 7-8). Conclusions. Children with intellectual disabilities and visual pathology lag behind practically healthy peers aged 7-10 years with indicators that characterize power abilities (control of speed, flexion and extension of arms at hand, control of strength endurance and assessment of speed abilities); motor features (dynamometry). Thus, for detected changes in motor abilities in boys and girls with intellectual disabilities and pathology of vision aged 7-10 years, preventive measures should be taken from 7 years and before, but not later than 10 years.

Keywords: children 7-10 years, motor abilities, impaired intellectual development and pathology of vision

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