ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 42 of 49
JMBS 2019, 4(4): 268–273

Analysis of the Indices of Higher Nervous Activity depending on the Degree of Myopia

Kolesnik Yu. I.1, Sheyko V. I.1, Lvov O. S.2

The results of the study of neurodynamic (functional mobility of nervous processes, latent periods of sensorimotor reactions of varying complexity, central information processing) and psychophysiological (attention and short-term memory) indicators of people with myopia of acquired form of low, medium and high degree are presented in the article. The purpose of this research was to analyze neurodynamic and psychophysiological parameters in persons with acquired form of myopia in accordance with its degree. Material and methods. All participants, after obtaining Informed consent, were divided into 3 groups of 30 people each in accordance with low, medium and high degree of myopia. Sensorimotor reactions (the latent period of simple and complex visual-motor reactions selecting one of the two and two of the three signals), functional mobility of nervous processes and the speed of the central information processing were investigated as typological characteristics of high nervous activity. The testing was carried out in accordance with the methodology of M. V. Makarenko for determining the individual neurodynamic properties by means of the computer system “Diagnost-1”. We determined the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the properties of attention: the total number of revised characters, the number of correctly crossed out signs and errors, the coefficient of accuracy, the indicator of total productivity, the amount of visual information, the speed of information processing, the work pace, the level of concentration of attention. We conducted the analysis of the short-term memory characteristics by determining the volume of visual and auditory memory and memory on numbers and words. We also estimated the volume of semantic memory. Results and discussion. In case of low myopia, we defined the best indicators of neurodynamics, attention and memory (except for auditory memory for numbers). The medium degree of myopia is characterized by a decrease in speed indicators of attention at the same time a high level of functional mobility of nervous processes, a high level of visual and auditory memory for words. Low neurodynamic indices, high attention speed on the background of its low quality, reduced levels of both studied types of short-term memory (except auditory for numbers) corresponding to a high degree of myopia. There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of semantic memory. Conclusion. The obtained results showed that the majority of the studied indicators deteriorated with increasing degree of myopia. At the same time, people with varying degrees of myopia were characterized by specific changes in the high nervous activity, which may be the result of functional changes in the brain structures, the formation of a certain functional system. Prospects of further research are the following study of psycho-physiological and psychological characteristics of people with different degrees of myopia, establishing correlation between the studied indicators in order to deepen the notions of the nature of acquired myopia and understanding of its pathogenetic mechanisms.

Keywords: acquired myopia, sensorimotor reactions, attention, short-term memory, higher nervous activity

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