ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 39 of 49
JMBS 2019, 4(4): 250–254

Functional State of the Musculoskeletal System in 7-10 year-old Children with Scoliosis

Dychko E. A.

An assessment of the functional state of the body systems dealing with posture formation and physical qualities that determine it is first and foremost necessary for determining the baseline level, which is the foundation for developing physical rehabilitation programs. The main criteria for the valuation of any type of activity for a growing and developing are the following: age, gender and health. The study of functional state of the musculoskeletal system includes an assessment of the functional status of the spine and muscle corset, as well as the determination of basic physical qualities (strength, endurance, flexibility, speed and coordination abilities), closely related to the level of physical development. The purpose of the work was to study the functional status of the musculoskeletal system in children aged 7-10 with scoliosis. Material and methods. The bases for the study were: specialized general educational boarding school for children with scoliosis in Alekseyevo-Druzhkovka city and secondary school № 17 in the Slavic region of Donetsk. 34 children aged 7-10 years with scoliosis (18 boys and 16 girls) participated in our study. 40 practically healthy peers (21 boys and 19 girls) acted as a control group in our studies. Results and discussion. The obtained results showed that children with deformation of the spine of the I and II degrees at the age of 7-10 years had a reduced functional state of the spine by 3.38 times compared with this indicator in practically healthy peers (in terms of displacement of the spine forward from sitting position); reduced statistical power endurance of the back muscles by 32.25% compared to this indicator in students without spinal pathology; reduced statistical endurance of the abdominal muscles by 28.0%, as well as children with deformation of the spine of the I and II degrees at the age of 7-10 years lagged in the dynamic force endurance of the abdominal muscles on 24.23%. The next step was to study the status of muscular corset in children aged 7-10 years with deformation of the spine of the I and II degrees, depending on the sex of children. Due to the functional state of the spine, boys aged 7-10 years with spinal deformation were 2.5 times less likely than healthy peers, and girls showed the decrease of the same indicator by 4.91 times. By static strength of endurance muscle of the back, the boys with deformation of the spine at the age of 7-10 years were inferior from practically healthy boys to 43.92%, girls – 18.54%. The static endurance strength of abdominal muscle in boys with spinal deformity was lower compared to control by 42.45%, in girls with scoliosis it was by 14.35% down. The dynamic strength of abdominal muscle endurance in boys aged 7-10 years with the deformation of the spine of the I and II degrees lower than the control indicators by 24.09%, and girls with the same pathology had decreased indicators by 24.27%. Conclusions. Thus, an assessment of the functional state of the muscular corset in children aged 7-10 years with the deformation of the spine of the I and II degrees, which showed that boys and girls with this condition lagged behind from practically healthy peers in the movement of the spine forward from the position of sitting, in the strength of the muscles of the back and muscles of the abdominal press, as well as the lifting of the body from a lying position for 30 seconds. This lag depends on both the sex of the child and the indicator that characterizes the physiological state of the muscular corset. The tendency of these indicators changes depending on the age (from 7 up to 10 years inclusive). Therefore, the next stage was the conduct of a study of the functional state of the muscular corset in children aged 11-14 years with deformation of the spine of the I and II degrees.

Keywords: 7-10 year-old children, scoliosis, strength endurance, muscles of abdominal press, dynamic power endurance of muscles

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