ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 11 of 13
JMBS 2019, 4(3): 71–80
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Selection Criteria and its Influence on Sports Training of Divers

Romanchuk S., Arabskyi A.

The selection of promising athletes is an extremely complex, multicomponent process that includes biological, medical, pedagogical, moral and ethical aspects. The significance of these aspects varies in the process of long-term preparation. Modern trends in sport development with complex coordination ensure, on the one hand, the attraction of the largest number of children, and on the other hand, professional selection of talented, promising athletes with certain contingent screening. The purpose of the research was to substantiate the criteria for selecting divers at the stage of initial training and check their effectiveness. Material and methods. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: analysis and elimination of literary sources, pedagogical experiment (to check the effectiveness of author’s criteria), methodological preparation of sports training, methods of mathematical statistics. The pedagogical experiment was carried out according to the program for Sports school at the stage of initial training and it provided classes with children between 10-15 years old. The research was conducted annually in January-March during competitions from 2016 to 2019. Boys and girls who were engaged in jumping in water at Lviv Sports school № 3 were involved in the experiment. At the beginning the control group included 19 people, the experimental group comprised 17 people, and 16 girls were in the study groups. Results and discussion. To determine the necessary levels of development of indicators defining the athletic achievements of young divers, the multiple regression equations were calculated and they were connected with sports training for boys and girls aged from 9 to 13. To determine the possible level of sport and technical training, the test results were raised at regression levels and individually possible sports and technical index was calculated (average complexity factor and total coefficient of freestyle diving). The analysis of sports standards performance showed that at the end of the experiment at the age of 13, 73.3% of the control group athletes performed certain standards. The analysis of sports standards performance by the experimental group athletes proved that 100% of respondents performed the standards. Research results of sports standards performance by girls during the experiment showed that at the age of 13 the control group performed such standards as: one candidate for master of sports (10%), 4 first-class sportsmen, 3 second-class sportsmen and 2 third-class sportsmen (40%, 30%, and 20% respectively). The analysis of the athlete’s compliance with the experimental group of sports standards at the end of experiment showed that four girls performed the Candidate of Masters of Sports of Ukraine (50%) and two girls took the first class sportsmen (25%). Conclusions. Application of the author’s criteria for selecting young divers allowed sharing the results of the sports training of boys and girls in a more efficient way. The results of athletes’ performance in terms of the sports standards and knowledge of boys of the experimental group by 26.7% exceeded the performance of athletes of the control group. At the same time, no boy from the control group performed the candidate of master and master of sports of Ukraine, while in the experimental group one boy (10%) got master of sports of Ukraine and three boys (30%) achieved the candidates of master of sports of Ukraine. A similar dynamics of performance of sports standards was observed in the study groups of girls. At the end of the experiment, the difference in the average score of the complexity coefficient in boys’ freestyle diving of the experimental and control groups was 0.55 point (t=3,310; р0,01). Accordingly, the average complexity coefficient of freestyle diving of the experimental group athletes had the level of excellent indicators, while the control group athletes’ indicators did not exceed the level of satisfactory training. At the end of the experimental research the results of experimental group (2.870.10) were significantly different from results of the control group (2.240.20) (t=2.817; р0.01).

Keywords: selection, sports standards, complexity coefficient, efficiency, young athletes

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