ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 9 of 44
JMBS 2019, 4(2): 59–68
Medicine. Reviews

Quality of Treatment with Orthopedic Constructions as a Problem of Clinical Dentistry (Literature Review)

Yanishen I., Iarova A., Berezhnaia O., Dolia A., Bohatyrenko M.

The purpose of the study was to increase the effectiveness of orthopedic treatment of dental patients through the introduction of methodological approaches to assessing the quality of treatment with orthopedic dentures. The risk assessment information system was considered for the orthopedic treatment of patients with dentition defects using unremovable dentures, as well as individual prediction of results, with the goal of optimizing them and preventing possible complications. Particular attention should be paid to increasing the quality of treatment in orthopedic dentistry on the basis of innovative developments in the field of dental material science due to the justified selection of structural and auxiliary dental materials, by eliminating the negative factors of the influence dentures, caused or their components or structures, and deficiencies on the clinical and laboratory stages of denture manufacturing. Equally important is the analysis of the quality of imprints during making working model. Disinfection and preservation of imprints can significantly affect their dimensional accuracywhich influences the precision accuracy of dentures. We noted the methods for evaluating the quality of additional and basic structural materials, which are in direct dependence on the composition, properties of dental materials, and technical facilities of the institution where such work is carried out. Scientific literature shows that the problem of creating an integral system of control over the quality of orthopedic treatment is extremely important. At the same time it is indicated that there are no integral accepted criteria for assessing the quality of dentures and the quality of orthopedic trtatment in general. The analysis of literature sources suggests the relevance of the problem of improving the quality of orthopedic treatment of dental patients. It is necessary to emphasize the close relationship between clinical and technological (reasonable selection of tooth-technical materials) and medical and psychological factors of treatment. Significant differences in the components of the proposed systems and evaluation algorithms in orthopedic dentistry do not simplify their perception and understanding in chosing the type of denture and the choice of dental technology. The current state of orthopedic service in Ukraine requires the immediate creation and implementation of a single system for assessing the quality of dental orthopedic treatment to fully satisfy both doctors and patients.

Keywords: quality of treatment, orthopedic dentures, comparative analysis, the result of treatment

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