ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 30 of 44
JMBS 2019, 4(2): 201–206
Social medicine and organization of health care

Analysis of Monitoring Drugs Side Effect in Mykolaiv Region during 2017

Ogloblina M. V. 1,2, Mikhailova T. M. 2, Chernenko O. I. 3

The safety of pharmacotherapy as an important component of prevention and correction of drugs side effects is one of the crucial tasks of modern medicine and pharmacy. Today, the doctors use a lot of drugs that can successfully treat the most known diseases. In this case, the important problem of any ongoing pharmacotherapy is the choice of not only the most effective, but also the safest drug. This question is especially acute in relation to groups of drugs that are more often and widely used in clinical practice and everyday life. The purpose of the study was the research, analysis and generalization of information about drugs side effects on the basis of monitoring in Mykolaiv and the region in 2017. Material and methods. We analyzed the information on cases of side effects of drugs of various pharmacological groups in the form 137/r of medical statistical reporting of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine from doctors of the medical-preventive establishments of Mykolaiv and the region in 2017. Results and discussion. The analysis of the monitoring of drugs side effects and adverse effect after immunization in the region showed that in the period from January to December 2017 there were 811 cases of side effects registered in the medical-preventive establishments. The vast majority of complications registered in the region were the predicted reactions to orally administered drugs for the digestive tract disorders (27%), the skin and its derivatives (19%), musculoskeletal system (10%), complications from the central nervous system (6.8%). At the same time anti-TB drugs (36.6%), antibiotics (26.5%), antiviral drugs (7.3%) are the most potentially dangerous in terms of various types of side effects and complications of pharmacotherapy. However, the frequency of side effects occurrence has a clear direct correlation, which is primarily due to the unevenness of the reports submitted by the medical-preventive establishments. We found out that side effects were manifested predominantly in adult patients of both sexes aged 31-45 (33.6%) and had predominantly delayed onset (from 30 days to 1 year). Drugs-"leaders" in terms of the side effects emergence are pyrazinamide (14.2%), levofloxacin (9.2%) and etionamide (7.9%). Conclusions. The analysis results emphasize the urgency of the problem of complications in pharmacotherapy, which requires a more reasonable and well-balanced choice of the drug taking into account all the safety criteria for its usage.

Keywords: side effects, drug safety, drugs

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