ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 43 of 47
JMBS 2019, 4(1): 292–301
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Indicators of Motor Activity in People with Spinal Cord Injury after Passing the Programs of Active Rehabilitation Camps

Fedorovych Oksana 1, Perederiy Alina 2, Trok Katarzyna 3

This article presents the results of evaluating the effectiveness of the program of the active rehabilitation camp program, which was carried out by means of COVS (Physiotherapy Clinical Outcome Variables) scale estimation. Material and methods. The study took place in two stages, therefore the research results are also presented separately in the study stages: the 1st stage took place in 2004-2009, and the 2nd stage was during 2013-2017. For the correct results, the participants were divided into three groups for the experiment, according to the complexity of the level of defeat. It was proved that passing the Active Rehabilitation Camps program positively in all groups affects the motor skills necessary for daily activity. Material and methods. Physiotherapy Clinical Outcome Variables (COVS) were used to confirm the effectiveness of the program of the active rehabilitation camp program, which assesses the level of mastery of the motor skills necessary to ensure self-reliance in everyday life. The study was conducted in two stages during 2004-2009 and 2013-2017. In the course of the study, 204 persons were studied, of which 84 patients with lesions of the cervical spine and spinal cord, 62 patients were with a lesion of the thoracic spine and spinal cord, and 58 persons were with the lumbar spine and spinal cord. We have found that the Active Rehabilitation Camps program has the most indicators of motor skills for everyday life, a dynamics that demonstrates that from 13 indicators 6-7 have been significantly improved as a result of the pilot Active Rehabilitation Camps program, as evidenced by the results of statistical analysis. The best results were attributed to the movement of their own body in space, the development of skills in possession of a wheelchair, wheelchairs at speed. The hardest part of Active Rehabilitation Camps participants was to learn a ride for endurance in a wheelchair. It was established that the growth of the indicators of life activity depended on the level of defeat, which predetermined the distribution of participants in the experiment on an equal basis with the level of group damage. In the course of the study, the Physical Therapy Clinical Outcome Variables COVS (Physiotherapy Clinical Outcome Variables) scale was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Active Rehabilitation Camps program, which was processed using mathematical statistics methods, namely the use of the Pearson χ 2criteria, the z-test. Z-test is a class of methods for statistical testing of hypotheses (statistical criteria), which are based on the normal distribution. It is generally used to check the equality of averages or to assess sampled average standardized values. Pearson χ 2 criterion is used to test the hypothesis of the coincidence of empirical and theoretical distributions of discrete random variables. The criterion is based on a comparison of observed and expected quantities. Conclusions. The criteria for using the Active Rehabilitation Camps program are the changes that occur during the camp and which are set when analyzing the totals. It is this analysis that demonstrates how well the Active Rehabilitation Camps program has affected participants with lesions of the cervical spine and spinal cord. The program of the active rehabilitation camp involves intense physical activity, which significantly positively affects the dynamics of motor activity. We can state that in each group there were positive changes in those indicators that reflect the improvement of motor activity, which affects and daily activities of persons with spinal cord and spinal cord injury. The improvement of most indicators of motor activity indicates the effectiveness of the implemented program and confirms the possibility of introducing such programs on a permanent basis in the regions of Ukraine.

Keywords: trauma of the spine and spinal cord, active rehabilitation camps, COVS scale, daily life skills, motor skills

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