ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 40 of 47
JMBS 2019, 4(1): 269–275
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Peculiarities of the Psycho-Physiological Parameters Changes in Hand-to-Hand Combat Athletes with Full Contact with the Opponent, under the Influence of the Training Load

Adamovich R. G., Kochin O. V.

Hand-to-hand combat has recently gained considerable popularity in our country. First of all, it is due to harmonious influence of training loads on the human musculoskeletal system, which contributes to the development of strength endurance, speed of movement, and static dynamic stability. The success of hand-to-hand combat depends not only on a well-organized training process. A significant role is played by individual psycho-physiological peculiarities of a person, training of the necessary components of the central nervous system and other systems providing the body. The purpose of the work was a comparative assessment of the central nervous system state in athletes with different levels of preparedness, engaged in hand-to-hand combat with full contact with the opponent, before and after the training load. Material and methods. Psycho-physiological indicators were determined in 24 trained athletes and 14 athletes-beginners. All the athletes underwent the assessment of the time of simple and complex visual-motor reaction, the reaction parameters to the moving object (time ahead and delay, the number of advances and delayed reactions), orientation parameters in space (time for completing the test, number of faithful and false reactions), amount of power, functional mobility and dynamism of nervous processes, the rate of predisposition to risk. Results and discussion. The obtained results showed that in the state of rest the trained athletes had reliably the best individual-typological indicators, which included the strength and functional mobility of the nervous processes, as well as the ratio of faithful and false reactions to the moving object. They also had higher psychodynamic indicators as they better oriented in space and were more predisposed to risk. In trained athletes, the average and high risk prevalence was observed in 87% of cases before and after the training load, in beginners these indicators were fixed in 57-64% of cases. We found out that the relevant training loadings led to a significant improvement in psycho-physiological indices in both groups of athletes, which is explained by the formation of the state of body reserves mobilization. The conducted studies showed that the professional qualities of athletes engaged in hand-to-hand combat include the functional mobility, dynamism and strength of the nerve processes, their balance, as well as the speed and accuracy of the visual-motor reactions and reactions to the moving object, good orientation in space and predisposition to risk of moderate to high severity. The presence of an appropriate central nervous system response to stress, manifested by changes in psycho-physiological parameters, can be used to assess the adequacy of the training load to the body functional capabilities of athletes when forming training programs at various stages of sports training. Conclusion. Significant deterioration of the values of psycho-physiological indicators of athletes in the dynamics at different stages of training in comparison with the initial state, for example, after a long rest period, can serve an indicator of emerging adverse functional states (fatigue or overtraining). These conditions require appropriate rehabilitation measures, changes in the training regimen and the amount of training load.

Keywords: hand-to-hand combat, psycho-physiological indicators, predisposition to risk

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