ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 37 of 47
JMBS 2019, 4(1): 249–255

Physical Performance and Aerobic Productivity of the Body of Students with Tobacco Addiction which Have a Different Component Weight of the Body

Stepanenko Inna, Bekas Olga

The article presents an analysis of modern scientific data on the problem of tobacco smoking among female students. It was determined that a significant part of students has different bad habits and addictions. Material and methods. According to the results of a questionnaire survey of students of a pedagogical specialty, about 13% of respondents smoke regularly. It proved the results of a comparative analysis of absolute and relative indicators of physical performance and maximum oxygen consumption of smoke and not-smoking female students aged 17-21. Students of both groups were not engaged in active physical exercises and did not attend sports sections. Physical performance was determined using the PWC170 sub maximal functional test. We also applied the stepergometry method. Results and discussion. The maximum oxygen consumption was determined by the calculation method, which took into account the direct relationship between the amount of physical capacity and the maximum oxygen consumption. The level of aerobic performance was determined by the relative value of maximum oxygen consumption, which was calculated on 1 kilogram of body weight. The body weight and its component composition were determined and evaluated in the study group of students using the methods of anthropometry and impedancemetry. The body mass index, the muscle and fat components of body weight were determined. The obtained results showed a paired correlation relationship between the body weight and aerobic abilities of the students in both groups applying the Spearman's rank correlation. Students of the main group and the control group did not differ statistically in average values of body length, body weight, muscle and fat components of body weight. A significant difference (4.9%) was found in the mean values of the indicators of body mass index. However, in both groups, these values characterized the normal body mass. A detailed analysis of the results of impendancemetry was conducted. This analysis showed that among students who smoke, individuals with high and normal muscle components of body weight predominated. There was a small percentage of persons (19.6%) with a high fat component of body weight. Among the female students of the control group, there were 41.2% with high fat component of body weight. The least number of students in both groups had the following combination: low muscle component and normal fatty component. The average values of absolute and relative indices of PWC170 and VО2mаx appeared to be substantially lower in the female students of the main group, compared with the control group. In the main group, 13% of female students had the lower relative indicator of maximum oxygen consumption than the critical level of physical health. However, they had high muscle and normal fatty components or normal muscle and high fat components of body weight. In the control group, only one student (1.7%) had the maximum oxygen consumption below the critical level of health. This female student had a normal muscle component and a very high fat component of body weight. Based on the correlation analysis, it was found out that the aerobic performance indicators of smoking female students had no close relationship with the muscle and fat components of body weight. The relationship between the individual parameters was assessed as weak or moderate strength. However, there was dependence of relative indicators of physical performance and maximum oxygen consumption of the fat and muscle size component, as well as of the value of body mass index in the group of non-smoking female students. Conclusion. The study showed that the indicators of physical and aerobic performance of the female students with tobacco addiction, despite the relatively high muscle component of body weight and the high content of muscle tissue and a moderate fatty component of body weight were significantly lower than in the control group of female students.

Keywords: female students, tobacco smoking, physical performance, steperhometry, the maximum oxygen consumption, aerobic body performance, body mass index, adipose tissue content, muscle tissue content

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