ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 34 of 47
JMBS 2019, 4(1): 230–237
Humanitarian issues of medicine and problem of teaching at the higher school

Conceptual Approaches to New Forms of Teaching Of Рathomorphology in Ukraine

Rosha L. G.

Higher medical education should provide high-quality training for students and become an important component of reforming the health sector. Among the promising directions in the field of medical universities, the transdisciplinary approach allows them to conduct a comprehensive analysis of a limited number of objects, to study in depth and in detail the properties of the target object, and to use the modern tools of specialized medical software complexes, as well as to investigate the influence of individual factors, forming a scientific direction that develops within the framework of educational medical research work. Students studying in the medical field based on the transdisciplinary approach can reduce the time of study with the increase of the additional information sphere. There is evidence of the need to change the paradigm of education - from a one-disciplinary to transdisciplinary approach to education. The purpose of the reform of higher education is to establish the unified criteria and methodologies and control systems, as well as mutual recognition of diplomas about higher education, promotion of student mobility. The practice of teaching pathomorphology and biopsy sectional course at the department of pathological anatomy proves that poorly developed integration between disciplines due to the lack of clear cross-cutting curricula. The problem of interdisciplinary integration grows out of the problems of vertical integration. The merging of the material and technical resources and staff resources of the universities and the pathoanatomical service will increase the level of teaching work and will ensure objectivity in assessing the practical skills of the students. The close interaction of the department of pathological anatomy with medical institutions allows to eliminate the gap between theory and practice, to carry out training of highly skilled personnel through primary specialization, internship, residency and postgraduate study. Such interaction will allow teaching of pathological anatomy at a high educational-methodical level, create conditions for the inculcation of students practical skills. The development of a cross-cutting program should take into account the application of different forms and methods of educational work. The use of teaching technology by case method gives high results in preparing for the future practitioners' practical work. Lectures of an informative type do not always give the desired result, therefore, it is necessary to apply more innovative lecture forms: problem lectures, lectures-conversations, lectures on the analysis of clinical situations, video and multimedia presentations.

Keywords: pathomorphology, teaching, transdisciplinary approach

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