ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 46 of 50
JMBS 2018, 3(7): 278–282
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

The Impact of Physical Therapy on Restoration of the Physical and Mental State of University Students

Gutareva N. V. 1, Muskharina Yu. Yu. 1, Gutarev V. V. 2, Yablochanska E. E. 1

Physical exercises align the dynamics of the main nervous processes (excitation and inhibition); coordinate the functions of the cortex and subcortical structures, the first and second signaling systems. Regular usage of physical exercises inhibits various disorders of the autonomic nervous system. The method of therapeutic physical exercises largely depends on the clinical manifestations of chronic fatigue. The state of students’ health differs significantly in many ways: the level of physical development, the level of biological development, the level of various organs and body systems functioning, etc. The purpose of the study was to study the effectiveness of the integrated effect of therapeutic physical exercises on the performance of pedagogical university students during the year. Material and methods. We examined 115 students aged 17-23 (41 boys and 74 girls). We divided all participants into two groups: the main and the control. The examination of patients was carried out according to the usual scheme. The following techniques were used to determine the functional state of the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal system: the examination of skin, the presence of edema, vascular pulsation, counting the pulse and respiration rate, external examination and palpation of joints, muscles, study of lungs vital capacity, blood pressure measurements. Results and discussion. At the beginning of the study, students complained on deterioration of short-term memory or the ability to concentrate attention, muscle aches, joint pain, sleep disturbances, weakness, and fragmentation after minor physical or mental loads lasting more than 24 hours. Patients’ history also contained infectious diseases, reduced working capacity, and chronic fatigue lasting more than 6 months. In 37 (33.6%) patients in the general picture of clinical manifestations depressed shifts. Sufficiently typical were complaints of depressed mood, narrowing of the circle of interests and the loss of sense of satisfaction in 86 (78.2%) patients. Conclusions. After therapeutic physical exercises, the majority of students showed an improvement in their general condition, clinical indicators, and a decrease in vegetative changes. The obtained data suggests that the use of therapeutic physical exercises contributed to the restoration of the body compensatory abilities, improving neuro-vascular regulation and autonomic functions. Methods of physical influence, in contrast to drug treatment, contribute to the development of endogenous "medicine" and the resumption of the functions in organs and tissues, improvement of health and increase of students’ efficiency on the whole.

Keywords: therapeutic physical exercises, sports training, students, research, medical examination, hypodynamia, chronic fatigue

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