ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 40 of 50
JMBS 2018, 3(7): 238–242

Biological Properties of Grampositive Cocci Isolated in Chronic Carriage in Adults

Zezyulina O. V., Voronkova O. S.

Chronic cariage of opportunistic microorganisms is known as a fairly common phenomenon, which becomes especially important in connection with the development of antibiotic resistance in the latter. The most common opportunistic bacteria that colonized nasopharynx are staphylococci and streptococci. Among staphylococci, there are many isolates with wide drug resistance that cause failure of treatment process. The purpose of the research was to investigate the frequency of detection and biological properties of grampositive cocci isolated from persons with chronic bacterial carriages. Materials and methods. To realize the goal we isolated and identified 32 isolates of opportunistic microorganisms from individuals with chronic carriers. Isolation and identification of staphylococci and streptococci were done using standard techniques. Sensitivity to antibiotics was determined by the disc-diffusion method. Results and discussion. It was determined that staphylococcus and streptococcal carriers were in 84.4% of the examined contingent. 20 strains (62%) were identified as staphylococci, 7 strains (22%) were identified as streptococci. The most frequently mentioned microorganisms were found in individuals aged 26-35. Staphylococcus aureus predominated (65%) among staphylococci. Streptococci S. mitis (57%) predominated among streptococci. The following species were also isolated: S. epidermidis (30%), S. saprophiticus (5%) and S. pneumonia (43%). It was shown that among the bacteria of genera Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, fluoroquinolone preparations were the most effective. S. aureus strains 84.6% were sensitive to norfloxacin, 76.9% were sensitive to gatifloxacin. Among S. epidermidis strains 66.7 – 83.4% were sensitive respectively; among S. pneumonia and S. mitis strains 100% were sensitive to fluoroquinolones. Conclusions. Research results can be used to develop schemes for rational antibiotic therapy and prevention measures for the spread of staphylococci and streptococci. The spreading of chronic carriers of opportunistic microorganisms is becoming increasingly threatening, requiring mandatory monitoring of the spread of such strains. Particular attention in this sense should be attracted by staphylococci and streptococci, the carrier of which in the upper respiratory tract is very common. Moreover, it is known that the clinical isolates of such strains often show increased resistance to antibiotics. Consequently, the study of such strains and their biological properties can be used in the future to develop measures to prevent them from spreading.

Keywords: staphylococci, streptococci, biological properties, antibiotic resistance, detection frequency

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