ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 50 of 56
JMBS 2018, 3(6): 314–318
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Influence of Linear Accelerations on the Blood Circulation System of Fencers in Adolescent Age

Andreyuk N. L.

The article summarizes the scientific achievements of researchers concerning the influence of vestibular irritations on the human body and the detection of various labyrinthic reflexes, age characteristics of the vestibular analyzer functioning, the influence of individual sports on the formation of the vestibular function and the reciprocal influence of the functional state of the vestibular system on the manifestation of the motor capabilities of an athlete. It is noted that the focus of the research is on the influence of angular accelerations on the vestibular analyzer. The purpose of the study was to experimentally determine the influence of linear accelerations of opposite directions on the blood circulation system of fencers in adolescent age. Material and methods. The research was conducted on the basis of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. The study was attended by 8 fencing teenagers who had different levels of athletic qualification, had no health problems and were included in the main medical group. Experimental data were analyzed by methods of mathematical statistics. To evaluate the effect of vestibular loading, the reaction of the circulatory system was studied using methods of polycardiogram and measurement of arterial pressure using the Korotkov method using the manual tonometer A & D Medical. Indicators of polycardiogram were determined with the help of a multi-channel reoanalizer REOKOM-Professional, designed to study the state of human cardiovascular system. The essence of the research was to identify the parameters of the circulatory system before and after the vestibular load. For this, indicators were shot twice - in the state of rest and immediately after loading. The vestibular load was carried out using especially designed platform, which allowed to create a passive effect of linear accelerations of different orientations on athletes for 30 seconds at a speed of 3 m per second, and to change the direction of motion to the opposite every 2 seconds. Results and discussion. Studies have shown that the athlete's reaction to the vestibular load using linear accelerations was uneven. In addition to the severity of the vestibular load reaction, the nature of changes in the cardiovascular system of the research participants was also different. This is confirmed by the scientific data on the dependence of vegetative reactions caused by irritations of the vestibular apparatus of a person, on the features of the VNS. We determined the level and nature of changes in all selected indicators of the circulatory system activity. In particular, the heart rate somewhat declined, systolic and diastolic blood pressure also decreased. This increased pulse pressure, shock volume and shock index. The use of a photo sensor built into the rheographer allowed detailed data on the phase work of the heart. According to the data, almost all phases were prolonged, and accordingly, the heartbeat length increased slightly. Slight changes in all blood flow parameters indicate that the vestibular load was commonplace for fencers. This confirms the thesis about the possibility and expediency of training the vestibular apparatus of a person. Conclusions. The study results helped to prove that the specific vestibular load affected the blood circulation in fencers of adolescent age. However, the nature of this influence is not very pronounced, as fencers constantly train the vestibular analyzer during the training activity. In future, the study should be expanded in order to determine the reaction of the blood circulation system of fencers to the influence of linear accelerations of opposite directions depending on the age or athletic skills.

Keywords: vestibular load, linear acceleration, circulatory system, fencers

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